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majano anemone

Dr.Brain Coral

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Dr.Brain Coral

you all are going to think im crazy :P but i think majano anemones are beautiful and i was wondering how i could have one. if i isolated it on a rock away from the main body of rock and killed any new ones popping up would it be fine. it will be a mantis and zoa only ank and i was wondering if that would be fine.

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Yes you are crazy. They spread like wildfire.


Take a look at these before and after photos of what mojanos can do.

I had a couple way down in back which would require removing all my corals and live rock to get to so like an idiot I ignored them.




And a less than a year later on the same tank.




They don't have any natural enemies I know of and sting everything within reach.

I ended up tearing the system down and cooking the rock in total darkness in tubs for 6 weeks. There were still stragglers which I killed by spraying them with distilled white vinegar or when I found them in the tank later with kalk paste or boiling water. I am Mojano free again but this really cost me dearly.

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Seeing that makes me want to cry. Such a beautiful tank ruined by a small pest. That's why I kill any pest anemone as soon as I find it. I found a decent sized majano and super glued it into its hole since I couldn't reach it. I fear more about getting a pest anemone over pest alga. At least algae you can control with good tank husbandry. Good tank husbandry only helps majanos and aiptasia grow.

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No. I have mostly softies now with leathers, zoanthids, ricordea mushrooms and anemones. I have been gun shy of SPS.

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Dr.Brain Coral

wow that is sad. my tank will be a 5.5 with a coral island and i thought i could kill any i saw on the island

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Dr.Brain Coral

they are pest so i imagine your local fish store will have some they took of live rocks. just a thought

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There's lots of different types of small anemones out there, and not all of them are "majanos"




I have these guys in my tank. They are amemonia gracilis, the graceful anemone. They are in the same genus as majanos, but they are a different species. I've had them for over 2 years. In this time frame they've only increased their population to 4 (and this has been with me feeding them directly). I have them right next/touching some zoas, and the zoas aren't bothered in the least.


They're not all bad, and some are quite pretty

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