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Detached frogspawn


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I was cleaning my glass when I accidentally hit my frogspawn with my knuckle ( doh )which caused it to tear from the rock. How long can it take for the tear to attach? Do I have to glue it or will it be fine on it's own. Thanks. silver lining is it exposed 2 baby heads I didn't see before.

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Just let it try to heal on its own. Low flow so it doesn't tear some more. I ripped one of mine once and it healed back up in a week or two. I think a lot of people have those kinds of moments every once in a while lol.

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Ha thanks makes me feel a little better.It's completely torn from the rock. Will it attach on it's own in this scenario or should I jam it into a crevice? It's base is touching the rock now and I'm hoping over time it reconnects. Thanks

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A frogspawn won't attach itself like a zoanthid mat/ricordea or anemone - the skeleton's inert below the head itself. On the bright side that just means that it's up to you to grab some waterweld & superglue and fix it.


Edit: now if the skeleton itself cracked and split up into the head you can still glue it back together and have a good chance the tissue will heal (and possibly kick out a couple of new heads!) if you follow opaquelace's advice (low flow + food).

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I dont have a good camera but this is the part that ripped from the rock. Im going to make a trip to my LFS to grab some glue if thats my only hope.





the baby head




how its doing



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Was it the skeleton that got removed from the rock? If so you don't have to worry about that at all. The skeleton, unless it is being exposed under the flesh, is completely dead. It looks very nice and happy to me :)

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Was it the skeleton that got removed from the rock? If so you don't have to worry about that at all. The skeleton, unless it is being exposed under the flesh, is completely dead. It looks very nice and happy to me :)

agreed.....Maybe I'm dense, but I don't see the issue. If the flesh had actually been torn away from the stoney base it would have died. Your coral looks great to me.

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Was it the skeleton that got removed from the rock? If so you don't have to worry about that at all. The skeleton, unless it is being exposed under the flesh, is completely dead. It looks very nice and happy to me :)

Yeah it was the skeleton. Its good news that I did no harm.


agreed.....Maybe I'm dense, but I don't see the issue. If the flesh had actually been torn away from the stoney base it would have died. Your coral looks great to me.

Appreciate it thanks.

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