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Coral Vue Hydros

Purple mushrooms


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i moved my beloved purple mushrooms into my 5.5 from my 90 gallon. With them i moved my zoo's and the candy canes that hitch hiked with the zoos. The zoos and candy canes are doing awesome! my proablem is the mushroom dont seem to want to open up and almost look shrivled. i put some cyclop ez in to try to get them stimulated but they only seemed to shrivle more. params:

SG = 1.025

nitrate = 5

nitrite = undetectable

ammonia = undetectale

dkH = 8.5


There has been acouple of tem swings since i just added the new lights. Could this have caused it? If so nothing else seems to care. I am waiting a week before i add my kenya tree and the remainder of my zoos to make sure everything is ok.


Any Ideas?




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put the shrooms in a low flow area also with similar lighting to your previous nano. this assumes that they were open in your nano.

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I moved them from my 90 gal TO my nano. The lighting in my nano is much more intense (10.2watt/gal vs ~4 wat/gal in the 90) and im sure the flow is greater as well. I put them as far from the light and under the ph in the low flow area. Will they adjust with time?

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:blush: my bad. kind of funny that a big tank guy needs to know what to do with a shroom. probably tons, you can teach us about big tanks. : well, i'm pretty sure that he'll adjust. if your tank water conditions were very similar, probably just adjusting to flow and light. not much you can do but just find a similar area in the new home tank.
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yeh the 90 was/is a preadator fOWLR but i put the corals in there while i was waiting for the new lights to show up for my nano. haha Yeh that does seem kinda funny! This is my 1st go around with corals, but i have been doing SW for a while now and couldnt resist getting into corals so i built a nano to have corals. Hopefully te adjust. Is it common for the shrooms to shrivvle when i feed cyclop ez? (kinda like how the zoos close up when you feed them?)

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haven't come across that problem with shrooms before. need help from someone with more experience and knowledge.

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I've have some experience in this area. I have green striped,

red and Purple Mushrooms. My green striped shrooms have been

multiplying like crazy. I recently changed the flow on one of my

powerheads for more surface flow, this caused additional flow

in the area that green striped shrooms were located. They

looked shriveled and a couple looked like they were going to drop

from the rock. I moved them under a powerhead and they are

happy once again. They are definitely much happier in a low

flow area.



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