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i hate my lignt bulbs


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i currently have the 24" coral life 135w ....10000k and actinic...but it makes everthing look yellow...I don't like the color...it looks like yellow...what can i do?

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I talked to the helloligts.com guy and he recommended that I get 2 50/50 bulbs...instead of one 10k and one actinc...what do you guys thimk?

i want a bluer clear look...

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the 03 is a different color temp and if you have noticed, some actinics are a really turquoise/blue color, and some appear to be puprle...the purple is the 03 actinic, and the blue is blue actinic or some call it super actinic...my custom sealife "smartlamp" bulbs (powerquads) are the more blue color with white, and i also run 03 actinic...if you look in my posts...




...this thread shows you my lighting, you can see i run both in my nano...i like the full spectrum of color, but the actinic (03) looks so much nicer and makes the corals literally GLOW

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pretty nice...I just bought some neon green zoo..but they don't have the same neon green color they had at the store, th store had metal halides...can I do anthing to make them neon green again?

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yah, they have to re-acclimate to your lighting, especially if they went from heavy halide lights to moderate pc...you can supplement with heavy 03 actinic to bring the green back out...i would use 10000k and 03 actinic combo if that is all you have room for, if you can add more, add a super actinic also.

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well I got my lights from hellolights,,,and I luv them..their not yellowish like the coralife bulbs were, my zoos look better too

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Go with a 150 watt Metal Halide, 14 K bulb. MAkes everything look blue.

I have a 24" JBJ over a 20 and I know exactly what your talking about.

Your only other alternative is to go with a VHO set up. The color is brillient with them.

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