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Review of ebay Hydra 52 style LED fixture


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So here is my new fixture I got in.
Dimmer One(24 LEDs): Blue 460nm;
Dimmer Two(24 LEDs): Warm White(3500-4500K), Neutral White(6500-7500K), UV (400-420nm), 520nm, 660nm.

Fixture is 20" long and 6" wide
has a black matte textured finish to it so it isnt slippery.
Comes with the light, 2 power cords and a hanging kit
the 2 cans that are cooling the fixture are about as loud as a standard PC fan. they are not very loud.

Color blending on the light I would say is good. You cannot see any discoball effect from the naked eye of colors splashing around on the sand or rocks. there are only 2 spots of an edge of a rock where you can see a bit of color separation and its very minimal. Shimmer is what you would expect from just about any of the other multi LED style fixures. its a bit fast moving.
With the new light and the spectrum of LEDS on my acans i am seeing a few more colors pop from them then from my previous LED fixture. the knobs also seem to let you dim the fixture down further with the LEDS then my previous one before they shut off.
I will say i am pleased with the light and the color is very nice from them. the size also has good coverage on my 40breeder that is 36x18x16 but I am sure everyone knows how big a 40breeder is.

Some photos of the fixture

photos in tank. i did my best to try and make it look as real as in person but this light with the large number of LEDS over the whole fixture makes the camera go a bit nuts. they might be a tad bluer in photos then in person but I also like a tad bluer of a tank

Quick videos

so thats it in a nutshell. over all i am happy with the light. it has goo coverage has a wide range of color I can control it to and corals pop pretty good under it. only complaint is I wish the shimmer was better

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Good review. I think you found a pretty good light for a decent price. I think the shape of the light will work better in some situations than the reefbreeders value fixture as well (20 gallon long for example)

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