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Help with my Build before I blow something up..


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Ok Got all my stuff and I am no expert..... List of purchased items

1x coralux 5up ldd driver board
1x storm x led controller (buddy gave this to me)
2 x cree lumia 5.2 - 70w full spectrum 5 channel cree led (
3x meanwell ldd-700h led driver

2x meanwell ldd-1000h led driver
1x 250w 48v 5.2A DC Power Supply


So I am installing this in my existing RedSea Max hood. I have a heat sink in there already. Before I down the lights in my tank I wanted to get everything sorted so I can' just plop this in.


So here is what I need some help with. Wiring it all together. So if someone could help me out would be great. So looking to see how to go from Power supply to 5up board to controller to LEDs.. I don't want to hook it up incorrectly. I am going to post some pictures of what I have laid out and what i am working with. If anyone can give me some guidance as far as what wires would go where I would be grateful. I have soldered already so that is done. Just not sure where all these wires need to go... Thanks everyone really appreciate it.


5up Board with drivers on it



All the parts and wiring



Lumia 5.2, 5up, and controller



Power Supply



Storm X wiring and Lumia Wiring





Storm X wiring and all Lumia Connection wiring



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Thanks farkwar...


So If I cut the connectors I have... The 2 wire ones from the controller. If I cut them in half so I have a connector on one side and exposed wires on the other side? Can't i just run the wires from the Lumia connector directly into the 5up board? Not sure I understand in step 2 what I am soldering..


I didn't get a power cable I had one from a prior install but it only has two wires. Doesn't appear to have a ground. Should I just go out and pick one up?


Sorry just trying to visualize all this and it just not coming together in my head.

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Ok Thanks again for the help. I just tested out one channel and the led strip worked. :-) I am going to get more wire like suggested and start to extend the wiring.


One think I am noticing (other than the fact I am blind right now) is the power supply smells a bit when its on.. No weird noise or anything just has an electrical oder.. Isnt' getting warm but only have it on for 5 mins..

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So I wanted to get everything wired up to test as stated above. I appreciate all the help... I got it all wired up and figured out (i think) I tested everything out and it does turn on and dim. Now I need to create a wiring harness and or lenghten the wires. So Looks like I need to hit up some local electronic store for some more wiring and supplies..

Holy rats nest...




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Milad LEDGroupBuy.com

Note to Milad.


You should stock and sell the Meanwell HLGs.

The Germans use them for their LEDs fixtures, and would make these DIY projects more pro (and safer).

Heck, you dont even need to stock them. Dropship them like the USA heatsinks.


You should get 10 con 22awg jkt str for these Lumia installs.

And 5 con with the molex already attached in 6 or 10 foot lengths.

Bonus points if you get and offer black and white jackets.

solutions for both coming soon. next exactly what you posted but we are working on some things. HLG are really high priced.

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Build looks really good!!!! Way cleaner than mine is right now..


Stupid question.. Since i have 3-700 drivers and 2-1000s does it matter how I wires the LEDs? Do any need to go specific to the 1000s?

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Yup. You'll pop the low current leds if you hook them to 1000ma. Probably just the first emitter on that line, but it essentially bricks that Lumia for all intents and purposes.



Check the tech specs on the site. The all white and all royal blue channels can take the 1000ma. They can take 1500ma iirc, but they dont make 1500 LDDs, yet.






Lower voltage (max 36v) but still usable.

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Thanks again for the replies/help. So trying to make a harness for the 5 wire. For where i am going to install it I am going to need more length..

First harness I just made. Pinned it with 5 pins. This way I can install everything in the hood and run it down to the 5up. Pic of harness. Its meh a bit chincy.



Next Harness i was thinking of using cause its water proof and coated was a standard Car Trailer hitch harness. I would just solder the LED wires to this harness. This option just over kill?


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Thanks man. Yah ordered some from there just not sure about the power supply. Needs to be vented or have good ventilation so might have to be creative on that one.

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I cut a hole with a hole saw on mine and used metal vent covers for a small CPU fan. Could also make cuts on the sides. Like the corner where the side meets the top and bottom. Cut perpendicular to the corner making slots more or less.

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So finished the box with everything turned out pretty good.





So moving onto the next phase. fitting all this in the hood. Have some questions not sure if anyone knows. So I am going to attempt to use my existing heatsink. So they are mounted on the smooth side of the heatsink and screwed in. Question is if I want to run the connectors up and not around the heat sink can i drill a big hole? Also what is the easiest way to screw the LEDs in self tappers? Also how far apart do you think I should mount the 5.2s Let me know your thoughts. Here are some pics from where I gutted the hood 2 years ago.. Think the heat sink is 33inches.




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Finished everything up. Only thing I am waiting to do is mount the controller Installed the lights in the hood and ITS WORKING!!

Question.. What are people setting there channels to as far as power on the Storm X.. Right now I have 1-5 all set at 350 and then placed in Auto mode. Looking for some suggestions.. Here are the final pics and results.. Lights had been off for a day so corals were just starting to open will have to snap some better pics after the lights had been on for a bit.

Tucked the wires in..

Installed in the hood.

Hood on the tank.. Ready to go

It Lights up!!!

Need to do some cable management and mount the controller

Need to get some betting pics of the tank but what its looking like at the moment

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  • 2 weeks later...

things are coming along really nicely.

Tank is doing really well. Lights are making a huge difference. Still need to set up my better camera these are just iphone pics for now.


I look up to you for doing this with very little led knowledge. It gives me hope! lol. I've always wanted to make a DIY led fixture but was always way to nervous to start as i have absolutely no experience.

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Thanks Mate... If it wasn't for this and a few other forums I would have been lost.. Patience, Planning and the interwebz.. That was the key to success for me :-)

I look up to you for doing this with very little led knowledge. It gives me hope! lol. I've always wanted to make a DIY led fixture but was always way to nervous to start as i have absolutely no experience.

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