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Cultivated Reef

For Trade: Graceful Anemone (Anemonia Gracilis)


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So I have a couple extra of these guys and I wanted to see if there was any interest in them. They are very pretty, and greens flouresce nicely under my 420 actinic; I suspect the pinks/purples might also flouresce under UV light (though I don't have any to check).






I've had these guys in my tank for about two years, and they've been pretty reef-safe so far. Being anemones they'll move if they feel disturbed, but min haven't moved once they've found a place they liked. They do not have a potent sting -- I've had mine right next to some zoas, and none of the polyps have been injured by the tentacles.


I'm currently located in Monmouth County, NJ


I'm willing to trade for zoas, LPS, and anything interesting (inverts, etc)

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How big do these get? Shipping? Thanks


Hey, sorry I can't believe I forgot to post this information. So here's some more information.




So here's that picture again for reference. There is a 2 inch plug right to the left of the anemone, and those are are WOW palys in the top left. So they get a little bit smaller than 2 inches. This picture was taken under 460nm actinic and 12k T5HOs. I've had the anemones for about 2 years, and they've split twice in that time.


I think currently I'm only offering them up to people in the surrounding states (NY, NJ, DE, CT, PA)

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These host clownfish?


These are small, about 2 inches max. That being said, some clowns will host anything, and I have seen pictures on the internet of clowns hosting this species:



(not my picture)

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These are small, about 2 inches max. That being said, some clowns will host anything, and I have seen pictures on the internet of clowns hosting this species:



(not my picture)

LOL they looked bigger should've noted the palys

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Mini carpet? Dont have pict handy, will have to wait til lights are on again it interested. Or got a whole bunch of Kenya. Big guys.


Edit: Hmm, so these are actually part of the majano fam? Not that I'm opposed, just interesting.

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I would love to buy one or do a trade when the weather warms up. I'm not in that "close range" of you :( but not super far either.

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I would love to buy one or do a trade when the weather warms up. I'm not in that "close range" of you :(


Yeah, I'm a little scared of shipping right now. This currently describes my situation pretty accurately:




I'm in "Hoth" lol

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Yeah, I'm a little scared of shipping right now. This currently describes my situation pretty accurately:




I'm in "Hoth" lol


Since I am in MN.. I know exactly how you feel! I ask myself "how do I live like this" every morning walking to my car.


I have various colors of sun corals/dendros, a balano, display macro, bam bam's, and chili coral.


The suns/balano arn't ready yet but they are growing really fast and probably will be by the time the weather warms up. Might have magician pally's by then too.


Chili coral would hang happily under that arch you have. :happy:

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Man, I'm in the state on fire. This is what happens when you're in a 3y drought


Let me know if you'll ship when it warms up. I can offer some mini mini anemones that are even smaller than your guys.



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