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Aiptasia or Feather Duster?


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I noticed a very small aiptasia or feather duster in my tank tonight. Then, upon closely inspecting the rest of the rock, I found 2 more. Is this aiptasia or a small feather duster?(pics below) I tried blowing some water at one of them with my turkey baster and it very quickly retracted. I cannot tell whether it retracted in to the rock or a tube because it is so small. I would say it is about the size of a pencil eraser when fully open.





Thank you in advance.


PS - I have done some searching and just cannot seem to find anything that is a definite match that would make me feel 100% on id'ing it myself.


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Feather Duster

I was hoping someone would say that. I initially though "oh no, aiptasia", but it does seem to have more of a feather like appearance. I just want to be absolutely sure so that I can take care of it ASAP if it is aiptasia. Is it normal to see more than one feather duster appear all of a sudden?

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Hard to tell with the pic but I'd say it's a feather duster. Does it have a fuzzy looking eyelid or does it kinda look like a spider?

I guess more like a fuzzy looking eyelid. It looks like a flower in the sense that it has multiple "pedals" and each pedal has hairs on it??? Not sure how to better explain that.


I also tried the "Bump" test. i.e. I bumped the stand and they retracted. Is it true that a feather duster would retract to a bump of the stand, but aiptasia would not??

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Feather Duster




Thanks guys. I feel a lot more confident now that it is just a duster. Should I expect to see even more of these pop up? Will they grow to be any bigger or just stay pretty small? Anything I need to know about these guys?

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