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Innovative Marine Aquariums

New Pakistani Butterfly


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I just added a Pakistani butterfly to my 40 breeder... he's about 2" but pretty big compared to the rest of my fish (occy clowns, TSB, chromis, damsel, and yellow coris. The butterfly is not chasing, but he does flare every once in a while and everyone is giving him plenty of space at the moment. My wrasse is freaking out though, working like mad to get away from him and he's dove in to the sandbed twice already in the past hour to break line of sight. Any ideas as to what the issue is?

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Its been about 24 hrs since addition and both fish are really skittish around each other. All the other inhabitants seem used to the butterfly, just the wrasse is acting weird.

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Our flasher wrasse was terrified when we got a Coral Beauty and hid all the time. In the end he did not make it. I think it was to much stress on him. Hope your wrasse gets used to your new addition.

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Is this the betterfly you got? Pakistan Butterflyfish I really don't know anything about this fish... Behavior of the butterfly & wrasse seems similar to the time I tried to pair up my male & female betta... Did not turn out well for the female...


Are you concerned about the size tank you have put it in?

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Not sure why your wrasse is acting that way, it could just be the addition of a new fish into his territory. Pakistani Butterfly fish are peaceful so there shouldn't be any fighting. I'd be more concerned about your corals than your wrasse. Stony corals are part of their diet so they really shouldn't be kept in a reef tank. They also get quite large so eventually you'll need to get it in a tank over 100 gallons.


Hope things work out between the fish.

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Not sure why your wrasse is acting that way, it could just be the addition of a new fish into his territory. Pakistani Butterfly fish are peaceful so there shouldn't be any fighting. I'd be more concerned about your corals than your wrasse. Stony corals are part of their diet so they really shouldn't be kept in a reef tank. They also get quite large so eventually you'll need to get it in a tank over 100 gallons.


Hope things work out between the fish.



I don't have any SPS, and most of my stock are softies or LPS. He's a loaner from a friend to help deal with an Aiptasia issue. The butterfly isn't chasing at all... the wrasse is just not comfortable around it. Atleast it's staying out more today instead of diving into the sandbed at the first sign of the butterfly

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Our flasher wrasse was terrified when we got a Coral Beauty and hid all the time. In the end he did not make it. I think it was to much stress on him. Hope your wrasse gets used to your new addition.


Ouch... that's rough, sorry to hear that. I've had this guy for about a year now, and he's been a great addition so I'd hate to lose him. I will say that in general though the yellow coris is way hardier than any flasher

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Is this the betterfly you got? Pakistan Butterflyfish I really don't know anything about this fish... Behavior of the butterfly & wrasse seems similar to the time I tried to pair up my male & female betta... Did not turn out well for the female...


Are you concerned about the size tank you have put it in?


That's the one... I'm not too concerned with the tank size because he is just a loaner for an aiptasia problem. Once again, the butterfly isn't really showing any signs of chasing or aggression.... if anything just curios of the wrasse. The wrasse sees it and flips out trying to break line of sight

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I don't have any SPS, and most of my stock are softies or LPS. He's a loaner from a friend to help deal with an Aiptasia issue. The butterfly isn't chasing at all... the wrasse is just not comfortable around it. Atleast it's staying out more today instead of diving into the sandbed at the first sign of the butterfly


What a pretty aiptasia remover :) Sounds like your wrasse is calming down a bit. You watch them become best friends right when you're ready to give it back :rolleyes:

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What a pretty aiptasia remover :) Sounds like your wrasse is calming down a bit. You watch them become best friends right when you're ready to give it back :rolleyes:


Yeah, I was looking for a small threadfin butterfly because those are a little nicer (IMO) and more reef safe, but they didn't have one so I settled on this. Beautiful fish in any case... eating well already. That would happen :P

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Good for you! I've been trying to catch my Blenny for a week with no luck. There's too many holes for him


Try a barnacle.. add it... wait till the blenny sees it as home. lift barnacle out. /win!

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the record, 1 month later... they are best friends. The wrasse follows the butterfly around and eats any worms that are stirred up when it picks at the rocks. And all my aiptasia are gone. It did take them about 3 weeks to get used to each other though

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