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Nano Cube refugium


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Well i finally finished my nano cube project and so far its looking great. The parts I used is a aquaclear 300 and galaxy light from drs. foster and smith.

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Well what i used is a aquaclear 300 which would only fit the nano cube. Pretty much all I did was shave the impeller to decrease the flow and used the basket that held the filtration stuff as a baffle. Cut the bottom of the baffle so it touches the bottom of the refugium and cut the top part just enough so water flows over it. What i have in there now is LR, LS, piece of mushroom, chaetomorpha, and empty shells so the copepods can reproduce. I also added a piece of tupperware so the water from the refugium flows to the front of the tank and not into the sump. For lighting, im using a 13w galaxy light.

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do you think a smaller aquafilterwould work just as well, or is there a specific reason why you have to use the 300 on a nano?

Looks great by the way!

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Im pretty sure a smaller one like the aquafilter 150 would work fine. I chose the ac300 because it was the biggest filter that would fit. If I could fit a 500 I would prefer that. IMO bigger is better. You can cram more LS, LR, and macro algae in there, but my refugium is working great. I wish my nano cube wasnt against the wall so I can get a better view of the refugium. All I have is the side and top view.

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I know this is going to be a stupid question, but can someone explain the ac300/ac500 refugium in laymans terms? I understand that there is some sort of divider somewhere between two of the sides. Where exactly is this located, what is it made of and how high is it? Also, I see that there is some sand/rock/etc on one side - what is going on the other side? What other modifications are being made to the filters? Are the cartridges taken out? Sorry about this being in the DIY forums but this is the most recent thread about ac300/ac500 refugiums I could find.


Thanks for any help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a similar idea recently seeing a lot of people doing similar mods. However when I brought it up in the begginers forum i was told that the modded ac's were too small to do any good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have only had my nano cube for 3 weeks and after reading all of these DIY threads I hate it :D j/k


to do list:



light mod




-nice tank :)

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I have only had my nano cube for 3 weeks and after reading all of these DIY threads I hate it :D j/k


to do list:



light mod




-nice tank :)

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Thanks for the comments. I myself like to mod things like my computer so the nano cube is something that will keep me very well busy. Next project is to upgrade the lighting to 64w with the coralife dual E-Z ballast. Will post pictures once its done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

do you know how much the fuge sticks out the back of the cube? i would like to do this mod as well, but need to know how far out it sticks


thanks if you can help

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after looking at my tank i dont think it will work because of the dual fan's that my nanocube came with. damn, im gonna see if i can somehow get around them

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  • 1 year later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 2 years later...


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