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Coral Vue Hydros

Simple 46 Salty Fix


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Current FTS 9/3/14

46 gallon bowfront
36" 4 bulb T5 fixture with 2 10k & 2 actinic
Basic overflow box with 2 U-tubes & flexible hose going into sump
Sump made by Pro Clear Aquatic Systems
Mag 5 for return -PVC plumbing with dual nozzle loc-line

Pair of Black & White Clowns
Trio of Longspine Cardinalfish
Kole Tang
Rose Bulb Anemone
Porcelain crab
Pair of Emerald crabs
Pair of Peppermint shrimp
A couple handfuls of hermit crabs
Various Cerith, Nassarius & Nerite snails

All my tanks thus far have had black backgrounds, so I was ready for a change & went with...


I sure am liking this cool color! Now getting this tank painted was a whole other adventure...
Of course I have to get this setup in the middle of winter. The only time to really paint it was in the evenings when my husband would be around to help me carry the tank outside. We masked up all the sides & the top, but left the front open to be able to get our hands in there & this....

The directions on the can say that the paint cures best at temperatures 65-90F. The outside temps at that time were in the 30s... burrr... We would use a hair dryer to heat tank up to 90F while inside the house. Then carry it outside & put a good coat on while the other person kept another hair dryer on. After we carried tank back inside we'd check on the temp again. Not bad at all...

After a few coats -here it is all done & no runny paint, YES!

I got most of my equipment used, because I am on a budget. The price of nice used stuff is awesome, but the cleanup of said equipment really sucks sometimes...
Here's the overflow before cleanup & the sump was just about as bad.
A soak in water & vinegar helps tremendously!

The sump during cleanup & leak test.
You can see the water line is level throughout the sump, well we can't have that. I just had to glue in a piece of acrylic onto the 1st baffle coming out of the middle "fuge" section. All good now, won't have all the water sucked out of the sump incase the overflow stops working.

Dang, this hobby can be really tough on the body sometimes. I had gotten a used PC fixture to put over my 20 long since I'd be stealing that light to put over 46. Well, that PC fixture was so gross & needed so much cleaning inside & out. I was trying to pry the splash guard off & my husband had just told me to be careful....
I did get the splash guard loose... Now I can't put my hand in my tank for awhile...

I'll share my macro packed 20 long with you all as well.
Most of these macro algaes with be going into the 46 along with some gorgonians.

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OMG! omgomgomg Your threads up!!



Thanks Zia! Now I need to head over to your thread for some CONGRATS!!!




Lookin good! Excited to see your tank progress. I'd love to do a seahorse tank someday so am interested to see how it goes for you.

Thanks! I'll do my best to keep the updates coming. You should totally jump on the seahorse band wagon! I blame Zia & Felicia, they have such awesome pony tanks!




Awesome! Exotic Sea...how appropriate :). LOVE the color!!!!!!


The macro tank looks wonderful. Your hand, not so much....ouch!!!!!

Glad you like the color! You kinda inspired me with your plumish colored stand. I just HAD TO do something different!

Thanks for the compliment & yes the price we pay sometimes in this hobby!

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Glad you like the color! You kinda inspired me with your plumish colored stand. I just HAD TO do something different!

Thanks for the compliment & yes the price we pay sometimes in this hobby!

Awesome :). I love my stand. It just gives the tank a little something extra :).
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I did get sand & live rock into the tank this week.


The rock is just thrown in, I'll have to mess with it later & try to figure out a scape. I really don't want to stack them, because at some point I'll be putting gorgonians on the rocks. Also, I don't want the seahorses to have a chance to hide behind stacked rocks.


Here's my girls in QT, I've had them about a month now!




I went a head & put them in a quarintine tank, because they had been in my LFS system for a lil' bit before I got them. No telling what they have been exposed to & being captive breed makes them more susceptible to parasites & things.


Here's some links to some great info I've found.

Seahorse Tankmates

Seahorse medications post #5

Beta Glucan As a Biological Defense

Seahorse Vendors post #131

Felicia has some great information & links as well on her thread found HERE.


This is what I've been feeding my seahorses & they have been eating really well!



I put these supplements on their food & soak for about 30 minutes before feeding. Usually I only feed about half of what I've prepared in the morning. The left overs go in the frig until the 2nd feeding of the day in the evening.





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They are soooo pretty!!!!!! Felicia will be thrilled to see your tank thread :).

Thanks Gena, I do think so myself as well!! The littler one gets so excited in the mornings when she sees me with the prescription pill bottle (that's what I mix their food in) that she turns a REALLY bright yellow. I can't even see those lil' black spots on her!


Yea, I gotta let Felicia know that she is such a major inspiration for me. I haven't seen her on here in a bit, but I'm sure life's crazy for her right now with school going again. My husband works full time & is taking 2 classes to get a higher degree. He's so swamped & stressed right now!

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Thanks Gena, I do think so myself as well!! The littler one gets so excited in the mornings when she sees me with the prescription pill bottle (that's what I mix their food in) that she turns a REALLY bright yellow. I can't even see those lil' black spots on her!


Yea, I gotta let Felicia know that she is such a major inspiration for me. I haven't seen her on here in a bit, but I'm sure life's crazy for her right now with school going again. My husband works full time & is taking 2 classes to get a higher degree. He's so swamped & stressed right now!

She's been very busy with school. :)
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They look amazing!@ Can't wait to see them in the tank.

I totally agree!!! I'm just a lil' nervous already because in QT they just have an air pump & when they go into the 46 they'll have the overflow & I'll be putting a koralia in there also. I may have to rig some kind of boundry to keep them away from the overflow.?

I'm going to have an mp10 foam guard on the koralia so that they can't hook their tail in it & get cut by the blade.

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I totally agree!!! I'm just a lil' nervous already because in QT they just have an air pump & when they go into the 46 they'll have the overflow & I'll be putting a koralia in there also. I may have to rig some kind of boundry to keep them away from the overflow.?

I'm going to have an mp10 foam guard on the koralia so that they can't hook their tail in it & get cut by the blade.

When I had a seahorse in my old tank I didn't have an overflow to worry about but the foam guard is a must I had one on my mp10 as well. Mine loved the mysis as well.

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I may try to set up my scape in a little bit & transfer some macro algaes over from my 20 long.

Had to get some dinner eaten before starting this next adventure!


Mmmmm... crockpot chicken n' dumplings with peas!!!


That looks scrumptious!!!! Funny enough, I haven't used my crock pot in years, but pulled it out this past Sunday for the Super Bowl. The guys wanted a hearty meal so I made a pot roast with tri-tip. It's still out for tomorrow, going to slow cook the chicken for chicken tacos tomorrow. I forgot how wonderful a crock pot is :).
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That looks scrumptious!!!! Funny enough, I haven't used my crock pot in years, but pulled it out this past Sunday for the Super Bowl. The guys wanted a hearty meal so I made a pot roast with tri-tip. It's still out for tomorrow, going to slow cook the chicken for chicken tacos tomorrow. I forgot how wonderful a crock pot is :).


That's the same with me! I finally pulled them out a couple months ago (have 2- 1's tall & the other is wide). I made some buffalo chicken cream cheese dip for the super bowl & I love using pretzel chips with it! That pot roast sounds so yummy... You have me wanting some of that!

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  • 6 months later...

There's gotta be more than just rocks and sand in here by now :)


You are right... There is! I am just no good with updates & I had a total heartbreak around April-ish... I lost my seahorses :tears:


This tank ran on autopilot & I actually was going to tear it down... Just totally get out of the hobby. After a bit when I got over my grief then I knew I'd miss it! So for the past month or so it's been getting some :wub: !!!


I have a bit of macros, some leathers, rics, hammer & for the past week a Rose BTA! My black & white clowns have not seemed interested yet, which is puzzling b/c I got them from my big brother & they were hosting one in his tank :rant:

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It is sad to lose livestock. I went out of town a few weeks back and was gone less than 24 hours, and in that time I lost a spawning pair of ruby red dragonets, two tangs, two neon gobies, and two sailfin blennies. I still have no clue as to why.


Well, what are you waiting for, pics already! :P

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Ah very sorry to hear about your losses. I am ordering seahorses in a couple of weeks but I am nervous. Its painful to lose any of our aquarium animals but seahorses are really special. I hope I am not in for a heartbreak too!

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Ah very sorry to hear about your losses. I am ordering seahorses in a couple of weeks but I am nervous. Its painful to lose any of our aquarium animals but seahorses are really special. I hope I am not in for a heartbreak too!


Awww thanks & good to hear you'll be getting seahorses soon! I think you'll be good as long as you order directly from the breeder.


I made the mistake of getting mine from my LFS & there's no telling what they were exposed to. I did quarantine them & dose some meds, but it didn't make a difference. I just think I probably did something wrong & I feed bad.


At least now I don't have to feed 2Xs a day & worry about pet sitter knowing what to do!

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It is sad to lose livestock. I went out of town a few weeks back and was gone less than 24 hours, and in that time I lost a spawning pair of ruby red dragonets, two tangs, two neon gobies, and two sailfin blennies. I still have no clue as to why.


Well, what are you waiting for, pics already! :P


YIKES!!! That's no BUENO!!!


Yeah, yeah, pics coming up...

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