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cree lumia 5.2 Questions


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I am interested in the new design and want to run these on a 60 gallon cube. 24X24 dimensions.


How many would I need?


Any additional leds?


What drivers and optics are available?



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With the amount of LEDs they have, it'll cover about an 18"x18" area at about 24" depth with only needing a single chip. I have not personally tested for PAR at this point in time, but I'd imagine that with 24x24 area at 30"+ height, without a lens would be very low PAR on the sandbed (as in less than 75ish) on-axis, and off-axis would be less than that. With a lens, it will cover the 18"x18" area very well with good PAR, but beyond that will be much less (which may be a good thing, though, less light hitting the glass means less algae growth).


It has five channels that are 18v or less, so basically any driver is capable of powering it, there's loads to choose from at this point in time, so that is all up to you.

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It has five channels that are 18v or less, so basically any driver is capable of powering it, there's loads to choose from at this point in time, so that is all up to you.

To me, this screams use two of them in series per channel as most of the common drivers easily hands the 36Vf of LEDs per channel. I'd have a hard time buying five drivers and not running two Lumias to take advantage of them. Two of them should give you the ability to grow SPS near the sand bed. Think about this, one Lumia should be roughly as strong as a 150W halide.

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Sweet.. I think this is going to make my build much easier. In a sense.


Now I want to run it with a 80 or 60 optic lens; however, LedGroupBuy doesn't have a lens for it yet.

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Oh ok.. Thanks..


Hey Jedi do you know the difference between these?

  • Dual Molex connectors for CREE Lumia 5.2 - Flying leads
  • Molex connector for CREE Lumia 5.2 - Interconnect
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Well, I am part of their technical support lol. Not so much on the forums, those are typically 'personal' grounds, but if I see someone that needs help I'm always willing to give it.

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  • 3 years later...

Hate to beat a dead horse but is there a definitive way to tell the difference between the 5.1 and the 5.2? I just bought a bunch of what I was told were 70w cree Lumia 5.1 pucks , but from what I have read the 5.1 didn't use cree and were higher power rated and the leads had to be soldered on... where as mine have Molex connectors on either side, the white channel is down the centre, and though i have not lit them up yet i can see that the are two different types of white chips, as the yellow is different in two of them... which makes me assume 3 are warm white and 2 neutral or vise versa... either way I could post a pic of the pucks I have if that would help... but if there is markings somewhere that would indicate what I have that would certainly make it easier to hook  them up... the driver board I got with them are 6up and they go 700ma followed by 2 1000ma followed by three more 700 ma... he said he ordered the 6up Incase he wanted to run extras leds but doesn't know which way the boards were arranged to have them go to the pucks...

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