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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies



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40g display

14g sump

5g gravity fed ATO

Eheim Jager 150w

EcoTech Radion Gen2

EcoTech Vortech MP10

Danner Mag 5

Bubble Magus 3.5



Tank raised Amphirprion Ocellaris

Tank raised Pterapogon Kauderni

Tank Raised Pseudocheilinus hexataenia



Montipora digitata

Montipora capricornis


Acropora secale



Acanthastrea lordhowensis

Euphyllia glabrescens

Euphyllia parancora

Caulastrea curvata

Blastomussa merleti

Echinophyllia aspera

Actinodiscus sp.

Zoanthus sp.

Xeina sp.

Palythoa sp.



Entacmaea quadricolor

Alpheus bellulus

Margarites pupillus

Nassarius sp.

Cerithium sp.

Nerita sp.

Turbo fluctuosa

Engina sp.



SG: 1.026

Ca: 450ppm

Mg: 1400ppm

KH: 12.6

pH: 8.4

Temperature: 79F



1/2 cube of mysis shrimp every other day

1/4 cube blended mix, coral target feeding every other day

Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Flakes every other day



Still experimenting with daily dosing



As some of you know, I had a 20 gallon long. The goal of it was to be as environmentally conscience as it could be. I tore that down earlier this year and started my 40. Everyone knows how this hobby goes, you can't go too long without upgrading!


I transferred everything from my 20 long to my 40. During the transition I applied some knowledge taken from my 20 experience to make the 40 run better.


I plan to update this thread as a personal journal. I want to look back and see how far my reef has come. I promise to update this thread as much as I can. (Unlike my 20 long thread which went without an update for months)


Light Program

I always like to see what other people's light programs are like, whatever fixture they have. I have had my Radion (gen 2) since it was available at my LFS. I love it! I have used a few different schedules, some preprogrammed and some other user's programs. This is my own that I created and I have been seeing some outstanding results!




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The easiest way to put pictures up here is to upload to photobucket and then view the links for the image and copy and paste trip img link directly into your post. And the tank is looking good!

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Trippy side view of my reef. I thought it looked cool, though you can't see many of my corals very well.




This is my daily supply shelf. It also has my router and modem. I wanted to keep my super sweet Milwaukee refracometer, supplements, my Radion sync cable and test kits handy. Please excuse the mess of wires.


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Thanks! It means a lot coming from you. Your tank is amazing! Mine has been running since July, I think? But everything came from my 20 long which was established in January 2012.

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So I adjusted my alkalinity. I raised it to 11.2 dhK by dosing 110mL of Aquavitro EightFour. Calcium is 490. Magnesium is 1400. I think I'm back in the green. I don't know how the dhK fell so drastically so quickly, I haven't changed anything in my system. Some of my chalices are showing a bit of skeleton. Same with my blastomussas. :(

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Nice - how do you like your Radions ? I love mine been running the G2 for a little over 2 weeks !!! Would love to try out your light schedule can you send it to me by exporting the file ?

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I love my Radion! It's absolutely amazing and makes my reef feel so natural. I'm getting some great growth from it too! I came downstairs yesterday and caught a thunderstorm! I also love the lunar phases. I really like to see all the critters at night scurrying about.


I'll try to figure out how to export my schedule tomorrow. It's a fairly basic program though. I've had it running this program for a few weeks now and I really like it. So do my corals :)

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For sure! I've been thinking about taking out my corals on top of the middle piece and putting in some more SPS frags centered on the little platforms like you have in your tank.

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I ordered a bunch of glass from a local glass place. I am going to build a new sump. Its going to be my first build. It will be 25" long, 14" tall, and 18" wide. I thought it was time to replace the Tupperware sump and make something nice.


The sump will be made out of 1/4" thick glass. I plan to have a refugium with a deep sand bed. I have always wanted mangroves. So I plan to just stock the refugium with red mangroves, chaeto and my mean banggai cardinal fish. Seriously, the meanest fish ever.


I'll post pictures of my design as soon as I can.

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