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jbj Nano Cube lighting?


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I am new to this site and i think it is absolutely great, it has answered many questions I have had.


I am sure my question has been asked before but it is fairly simple to answer so I would rather not search everywher to find it. I was wondering if the stock light that comes with the jbj nano cube is suitable for most if not all anemone and corals?


also what would be the easiest kind of each (anemone and its hosting fish or coral) to start off with?


if anyone already knows the thread with this info let me know. Thanks a lot!

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you will need more than 24 watts if you want to keep a healthy anemone. for the most part, they're a bad idea to put into a reef tank simply because they're just hard to keep.


here are some links to previous posts that may help you




anemones look cute when they're small, but once they get big, they're just an ugly fat squishy thing with tentacles that look like some sort of fat french fries ... i only say that because my lfs has a rose bta that's about 8 inches in diameter and it's the ugliest thing i've ever seen. good luck... :P

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do the search, you will find many completely on topic stuff. people here do not like when you disregard the search function and admit doing so.

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You should never try to keep an anemone in the JBJ Nano Cube becuase it is just to small for when one grows to its full size, and the light, 24w, is just to weak to support any anemone. The easiest type of anemone to keep by the way is a BTA. Good Luck! :)

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