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Dixie's 36 bowfront mixed reef (its moving time)

dixie reefer

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The leds definitely make it hard to pick up the real colors, the carpet is a turquoise color. I will add more pictures of the setup and corals later.

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Woa, mind blowing duo! Bowfront & Zero E. two quite unique and awesome looking tanks!

Did you guys hang the LED over the ZE with a fishing pole :lol: Looks so cool and very innovative, two thumbs up! I see you finally manged to figure out a way to photograph the Zero E with out it looking all blue :D Looks like a cool frosted vodka bottle in the center return?!

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We did hang the light with the fishing pole, however that light went out within 4 days of hooking it up so i have to buy a new par 38. In the mean time, my husband built a stand to put my t5 fixture on so the nem can have light. That's why it doesn't look so blue. And the return is a grey goose botte. I'm debating having him use one of my green wine bottles for the return instead because i dont like seeing algae growing on the inside.


I have these guys that will be going into the 36. They are currently in a separate holding tank for observation before being added. I just battled ich and don't want to deal with it again.



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I am not sure if you've added the camo filefish yet or not, but those guys are pretty aggressive from my experience. I caught one and put it in there from my local inlet, then I added a small puffer to the fuge to wait for him to grow up. The puffer escaped from the fuge and into the main, he didn't last but a few seconds from the file fish. I had one that looked exactly like yours too! They're cute and fun to watch. Where did you get yours?

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I haven't added him yet, he's currently in my seahorse tank eating up some aptasia I've got in there, he's fine with the seahorse and he was ok with the angel in the other tank. I got him fron a lfs here in el paso.




I added my urchin to the zero edge. I had added 2 cerith snails but one traveled up and out of the tank and down into the drain and caused some problems. It got stuck and I ended up with like 3 gallons of saltwater on the floor. So needless to say, I took those suckers out.


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You don't think the urchin will follow suit? Cute pin cushion btw, or is it a tuxedo?

What is that purple coral called in your bowfront? Nice frogspawn btw.

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It's been in there 2 days now and hasn't tried getting out, even if it did, its too big to go down the drain. Yes, its a pin cushion.


Which purple one? I've got a couple purple bottle brush acro frags, purple blastos, and my Hollywood stunner chalice.

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I know that's why I don't want to frag it!



The bottle is the return, the water comes out of the 2 rock formation things towards the base of the bottle. We had all four opened up but we weren't getting very good flow so we plugged the top 2.

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Looks pretty cool!


Sucks about the urchin but carpet nems can/will eat just about anything if they get the urge. It will eventually own that whole tank if it's only a 14G. Beautiful looking though!

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It didn't eat it, just stung the crap out of it. Yes we know that it will outgrow the tank, but the hubby just had to have it so we're going to keep it for a while. Thanks! I love the turquoise color it has.

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Went on vacation this last weekend and saw some really nice gorgonians. Decided to bring home a few acropora and some other little guys we liked. Saw a gorgonian JUST like the one you have, considered grabbing it but I didn't. Saw a few nice carpet anemones too! One really cool green and blue one the size of a paper plate! Neat little guys.

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