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Innovative Marine Aquariums

New 10g just set up


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Here is my new ten gallon, its a bit cloudy because i had only just put the sand in when i took pic.


What should i pyt in it? its lit by four 18watt t5's

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Well what to put in it is the same as what can i put in it, since i dont want to keep anything that will die! what would look nice that wouldnt die? im thinking mainly zoo's



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Here is a newer pic, as you can see there is a yellow gobie in there already. Managed to ween him on flake and he lets me stroke him!

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You will have to excuse my poor photography and aquascaping, but here is burt and my fluval 101+ which is used for polyfilter once a month. well it will be as its only two weeks old. i point it at surface for oxygen!

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Tank looks interesting, doesn't look like regular 10G. Two maxijet with 10G seems unusual setting to me... anyway...


what is its demesion?

How long it has been running?


If this is very new tank, as title of this thread indicates, you're cycling your tank with that poor goby... that's somewhat cruel. That does not match with your statement, "i dont want to keep anything that will die!". I hope he can go through with cycling.


I think nobody can recommend what to put in there right now, since it is at its very early stage. WHEN your tank is done cycling, I guess you can put whatever corals you want except SPS. Mushrooms, Zoos, Softies will be fine with your lightin. You could try SPS, but it seems to me, your lighting is in little week side for great SPS growth.


And, You're aquascaping and phototaking skill is fine.

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I used water and rocks and sand staight from my 130gal reef, so there was never and has never been any amonia/ nitrite/nitrate spikes! and i have been testing all along! so the goby is fine!


The dimensions are 14'' x 14'' x 14''


Yep two maxi jet 400 and a fluval 101!


so why is that unusual?

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Yes but my 130 gal has 250 watt metal halide, so i am unexperienced with 18 watts, so i thought id ask people who use the lighting what they find they can keep best;)


Im down sizing by 130 to a 30''x 20'' x 20'' with 13 gal sump!


So that could be classed as a nano too! i got the bug!!!!:blush:


So 43 gal with 1x 250watt 10.000k halide and two tunze stream (7000 litres each) eheim 1260 return korralin calcium reactor and a aqua medic 1000 turboflota all for 43 gal!

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very neat looking cube you got there.


so why'd you decide to go with PC's rather than say a 70 watt MH bulb? I'm going to be setting up a 10g when I move in august and I'm leaning more towards a small mh instead of pc's (aside from actinic suppliment)

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Thank you, i like the 14" cube design. I went for t5's because they where 100 pounds cheaper! (i live in england) And i can bring the lighting on in stages!

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Yeah the rock came out of my bigger tank with a korralin calcium reactor, corralin algae love that! ive just got to see if it stays now im using two part additives

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You put sand in your tank on 6/17 and added a fish the same day ? ?I don't care how cured everythig was, that is just bad planning.


Your goby dosen't look too happy. Maybe you should have checked the conditions BEFORE adding any fish. And maybe given it more that a day to cycle.

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The tank was up and running a week before i put the goby in, i checked all paramiters and they where all spot on! The goby is dong fine zipping around the tank like a bat out of hell. he gets fed four times a day!

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Deleted User 8530

I really dont know how you can tell if a fish is happy just from a picture! I thought he looked good! Well anyhoo im no expert but from what you said i think its fine.

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Mineralrock, yeah the picture dosnt really do it justice. the over hang has a big hole that goes right through it up at an angle but you cant see it from the front!

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Yep added two dancing shrimps, man they move funny!


To be honest i havent found any corals to suit it yet!


Have some more pics to go up. but im struggleing taking them. it just focuses on the water and not the stuff in it. anyone have have photography tips???

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He only gets a tiny amount each time! Considering that in nature the goby will eat a lot more than 4 time a day i think that the answear to your question is no im not. IN MY OPINION!! of course.


Sure i can survive on one meal a day! but id much rather have 3 0r more! Yum Yum :D

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i definatly think feeding 4x a day is a bit much, maby not now since theres barely anything in the tank but in the fututre that will definatly lead to problems. i only feed my pair of redhead gobies 1x every other day. fish in the wild depending on where they are might eat a few times a day to once every few months (depending on the animal). youve got to understand when youve got such a small water volume you have to feed alot less than in a big tank.



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