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29 Gallon Biocube Reef Journal-My First Saltwater Aquarium!


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Thanks for the advice. A little late though haha...I wound up buying 1 six line wrasse and some pepermint shrimp to take care of my aptasia. I also got 2 blue legged hermit crabs. They are all acclimating as I write this. I didn't get any coral frags as I wasn't sure what to get. To many options!



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Well guys the Sixline has been in there since Saturday and is doing well. There is a little agression between the bigger female maroon and the six line but very minor. Plus the six line will flare up his top fin and get all big in the maroons face! I'm glad that I made the decision to get a six line even though the LFS worker wasn't for it. We will still have to see how it goes in the future, but all is good for now! Do you guys think that it would be fine to add another fish this weekend?


I might want to add more base rock to. How many pounds do you think I have in there total based on the picture. The new 2 pieces of base rock were a total of 11 pounds, so I'm guessing I might have like 18-20 pounds in there? Should probably get some more base then...just wondering if it will look to crowded.


Current Stocking Plan:


-2 Maroon Clownfish

-1 Six Line Wrasse

-1 Orchid Dottyback or Splendid Dottyback

-1 High fin Goby+Pistol Shrimp


Then I may be able to squeeze in 1 more fish down the road. Not sure what yet but we will see. Any suggestions?


The filtration pump was making a lot of noise so I had to mess around with it and it took a long time today, but I finally managed to get it set up so it wouldn't make the annoying clicking noise. The noise level of a filter is the make or break for me. I need quiet filters or else I go crazy at night.


So that's what's up for now folks. Feel free to comment on anything or my stocking plans. I also might be getting an RODI system soon, so what is the best and cheapest system out there? I want to eventually upgrade to LEDS in the future, but I might not do it for another year or so unless I really need it. Also thinking about converting my 10 gallon to a saltwater in the future. Seems like another good project. I can never be satisfied in the fish world :D

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5 fish in a BC29 with 2 of them being maroons ? You are pushing it there (Your stocking limits were also mentioned in this thread). A BC is not the best place for a 6 line, not enough swimming room and he will be a very active fish ( I think someone mentioned that in this thread as well as your LFS). Those two maroons will limit your fish selection as well (also mentioned, yet you plan on adding two more fish on top of these three).


IMO, you are asking for help which is good, but not following the suggestions, which means people are wasting their time trying to help you. I love my BC 29. But I know the limitations of it and it's stock lighting, most notably due to the help I received on this forum. You put those five fish you want plus two anemones that you have with stock lighting and you will probably learn what the term "tank crash" means. Good luck.

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Yeah I'm sorry to break it to you man, but you are setting your self up for failure. You have been given some really solid advise about the best direction to go with your tank and you are making all the rookie mistakes of not following that advise.You will learn in due time, it's just sad that those fish will have to suffer as you go through your learning curve. Like most members before me have already stated, SLOW DOWN......

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Can you guys reiterate what I am doing wrong? He had the setup with a pair of maroons and the live rock and anemones for at least 6 months. The six line does fine with the maroons and doesn't get harassed. People have their own opinions on the six line as well. I appreciate your opinion but I wanted to try it and not everyone I talked to said it was a bad idea. If he seems like he is getting to big then I can give him to someone else or back to the pet store. He doesn't seem that active to me. What is wrong with my stocking? I have the six line and the maroons who get along fine with each other and then I plan to get rid of the maroons in the future once they start getting to big and probably get a pair of nano clownfish which they have at my LFS. Supposedly they are the runts of the litters that ORA breeds. I figure they would probably be a better option than the maroons. I also plan to get a goby which should stay towards the bottom and not bother the maroons because they are usually in the middle to top region. I still may need to think over the dottyback though as I might want to add some more rock to the back before I add him just so he won't always be in the same area as the six line and sometimes maroons. What is so bad about that?


Also I appreciate what you are saying but why don't you make yourself more clear? "You put those five fish you want plus two anemones that you have with stock lighting and you will probably learn what the term "tank crash" means". The pink tip anemone does perfectly fine in the tank and the rose BTA might not do the best so depending on whether I upgrade to an LED system, I may keep it or get rid of it.


Thanks, Braden

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1. Maroon clownfish get 6+ inches, in a small tank that means a lot of aggression and waste

2. The sixline will also become aggressive most likely, and may want more space

3. Nano clownfish don't exist, runts are culls that have extreme spine deformations IIRC, ocellaris, percula, and skunk clownfish are better clown choices.

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What kind of protein skimmer do you have in your biocube? If it's the stock skimmer....its a hunk of junk, your gonna want to ditch that thing and upgrade to either a Tunze 9002, or an Aquaticlife mini 115 skimmer. The Tunze is better, but at $60 for the Aquaticlife.....that might be your best bet. You gotta pump the brakes man.....I know its fun and exciting to get new livestock, but these people are right. You need to get familiar with your tank, do some testing, and a few water changes....and watch your fish for a little while. Get your water param's in check and go from there. You should let your tank settle down for at least a few weeks to a month, just so you can figure out how to maintain the tank and keep everything in it alive and happy. It would suck to lose your fish, along with the money you've put into it.

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Thanks for the help. I am running the Biocube protein skimmer and plan to just keep it on there. Seems to do the job okay, and wasn't even planning on getting a skimmer in the first place probably so I figure even if this one isn't the best as long as I keep up with my water changes and keep the tank parameters in good shape, don't overfeed, or overstock, then I should be okay.


1.0 Reef, I understand that and as I have already stated I will be getting rid of the clowns in the future but for now I would like to hold on to them as I like how they look and behave and they do fine with the six line, so I don't see the problem? We will see with the six line what happens. Eventually a few years down the road I may give him up, but I figure I am going to college in a few years so I won't have this tank up for that long regardless and may only bring a 10 gallon tank to college and either keep the reef in there or depending on how much work it is, go with a freshwater tank. So by the time he is bigger and more aggressive it may be time to part with him regardless. Plus Maroons are nasty most of the time so I match aggressive fish with other aggressive fish. I am not really rushing anything as the tank has very good parameters besides the low pH, and I just need to sort that out before more coral is added.


So I have a couple questions....


-Can I add a high fin goby and pistol shrimp? I feel like they should stay towards the bottom and not bother anybody and I do have a breeder net in case anything goes wrong so that I can separate them and bring them back to the store. I don't think that it will, just wanted to get some opinions on the matter.

-If I was to add the dottyback then should I also add some more base rock? How much do you think I have in there right now? Is it enough for good biological filtration in this size of a tank?

-What is a good replacement pump for the biocube 29? I want something that puts out good flow and also is very quiet.

-What is the best way of raising the ph? I haven't done a water change and plan to do that this weekend or sometime this week. The tank is about 7.8 right now in pH and the guy at the LFS said that was my only problem. Should I mix the saltwater and check the ph and then raise it with a buffer when I do my water change? I know it is probably better to do it gradually rather than changing it from 7.8 straight to 8.3 and shocking/possibly killing some of the livestock. I got the seachem buffer that says it raises pH to 8.3.


Thanks for the help guys, Braden

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Not to much has been going on with the tank but the base rock has been getting some algae on it. Exciting stuff right?


Full Tank Shot:




Not as noticeable here.




Does this RBTA seem okay? Doesn't look to good to me. Might be the lights or low pH...Probably lights.


Base Rock Development in next post...









Look at that algae.





Coming along. Slowly but surely.


Thanks for looking, Braden

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I don't think I will ever be able to get a straight picture of this guy. Maybe some videos will be coming soon! Been alive in the tank for over a week. I guess I'm doing something right.




The cleaner shrimp. I also have 3 peppermints.







Mr. Emerald Crab


That's it for now guys!


Braden :D

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My opinion here, say no to more fish for now. The tank crash people refer to is when the toxic elements build up and start killing everything alive in your tank. Those deaths will further fuel the crash.


As far as a return pump goes, the stock pump is 243 gph. I replaced it with a Hydor 300 gph pump that is very quiet, not a huge increase in flow, but still better. When I replaced my stock pump I soaked it in vinegar and water for a couple of hours and then scrubbed everything down. It got quieter as a result, but not quieter than my new pump, and it does a fine job of mixing my saltwater now.


Adding base rock will not actually aid your bio filtration for a while, probably a few weeks. It may also cause a new or mini cycle. Adding live rock would minimize this and add to filtration very quickly.


I recently read another build thread where the poster lamented that he had not had a better plan. He wished he had decided what he wanted to keep in the tank and then bought/built what was needed to achieve that objective. That hit home for me because I am in the same boat myself. After a year I have a much better idea of what I like in my tank and am slowly making changes to support what I like. Put the life support in place before the critters.

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Thanks. But I'm still a bit confused. I went to the petstore and they checked my readings and I had 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 0 nitrates. I probably won't get any new fish for a week or two, but isn't the rock mainly just for bacteria to colonize on? That's why live rock is good because it has lots of crevices and cracks and therefore more surface area for bacteria to settle. IT shouldn't take long for that to happen right? I already have the algae growing on it. I might get some more base rock for the back. I am also still trying to figure out what I want to do with my lighting. I could either leave it alone or do a LED retrofit kit for about $200. I have the money for it, but I am holding back on it. I don't want to spend an insane amount of cash on this tank cause I still want to get corals, some more fish, RODI system, a hydor koralia, and possibly another pump. Is there any other better options that will give me more flow? I plan to go with the koralia 425. Lighting is very important though...Decisions decisions! If I don't get the leds I might ditch the rose bta.



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Maroon clown fish = Satan's spawn. They are ornery fish. One is bad enough, but 2???


The guy that had it before you was tempting fate before something bad happened. And an anemone in there? Good Luck. They will move around when they're not happy.


Not tryin' to be a negative Nancy here, but many people with much more experience have been trying to help you, but you seem bent on going through with what you want to do, so..... carry on.

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Some people don't just listen....Here is me being Nostrodamus: "I don't know what happened, everything was doing well, then things started to die and it got worse, now all I have left is some fuzzy algae..."

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Thanks. But I'm still a bit confused. I went to the petstore and they checked my readings and I had 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 0 nitrates. I probably won't get any new fish for a week or two, but isn't the rock mainly just for bacteria to colonize on? That's why live rock is good because it has lots of crevices and cracks and therefore more surface area for bacteria to settle. IT shouldn't take long for that to happen right? I already have the algae growing on it. I might get some more base rock for the back. I am also still trying to figure out what I want to do with my lighting. I could either leave it alone or do a LED retrofit kit for about $200. I have the money for it, but I am holding back on it. I don't want to spend an insane amount of cash on this tank cause I still want to get corals, some more fish, RODI system, a hydor koralia, and possibly another pump. Is there any other better options that will give me more flow? I plan to go with the koralia 425. Lighting is very important though...Decisions decisions! If I don't get the leds I might ditch the rose bta.





Take your time with this tank, you don't need to add anything in any hurry. I had my tank running with one chromis and live rock for 4 months before adding ANYTHING!


As for the LED lighting, its not a necessity right now so don't get it and an RO/DI is an ABSOLUTE necessity in my opinion, as well as more flow. Buy new bulbs though, it will help out a lot if they are 8+months old. Ive had a 29g biocube with stock lighting for years before and it keeps most corals very well. For now, buy yourself a kroalia nano 425 or two if you can, and an RO/DI. If the time comes and you want to add the LED later, go for it, but get the important stuff first!


DONT ADD MORE FISH! Seriously I know you just want to buy stuff and keep adding creatures, but you will learn this hobby is all about patience. Take your time and it will save you money and headaches in the long run, not to mention the lives of your fish and coral.

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Not tryin' to be a negative Nancy here, but many people with much more experience have been trying to help you, but you seem bent on going through with what you want to do, so..... carry on.


Thanks for the reply. What is wrong with my setup though? The maroons get along with the six line fine and do well. I will get rid of them once they get too big or aggressive. I don't see what the problem is. I would like to try things my own way instead of doing whatever people tell me. I'm not saying I have to be a reckless rebel, just stray from the path a little. I appreciate peoples opinions but just because they give me it, does not mean I have to do everything that they tell me to. It is an opinion and suggestion, not a if you have 2 maroon clowns then they HAVE to be given away before any other fish is added.


Take your time with this tank, you don't need to add anything in any hurry. I had my tank running with one chromis and live rock for 4 months before adding ANYTHING!


As for the LED lighting, its not a necessity right now so don't get it and an RO/DI is an ABSOLUTE necessity in my opinion, as well as more flow. Buy new bulbs though, it will help out a lot if they are 8+months old. Ive had a 29g biocube with stock lighting for years before and it keeps most corals very well. For now, buy yourself a kroalia nano 425 or two if you can, and an RO/DI. If the time comes and you want to add the LED later, go for it, but get the important stuff first!


DONT ADD MORE FISH! Seriously I know you just want to buy stuff and keep adding creatures, but you will learn this hobby is all about patience. Take your time and it will save you money and headaches in the long run, not to mention the lives of your fish and coral.


Thanks very much for your response. It was helpful. I do plan to get a koralia 425 and also an RODI system. The bulbs were replaced a couple weeks ago so they should be good. Could I keep some SPS in there? What about the RBTA? If I want to keep that should I upgrade to LEDS right away? It just doesn't seem to healthy! Also any suggestions on the RODI system? I would prefer something cheap as I am a kid and don't have a huge amount of money to be throwing at the tank, however I don't want to invest in a bad product either. Based on the pictures should I add more base rock? I'm going to the LFS later today and I might pick up 1 or 2 more pieces. Is there a better pump you would suggest for the tank? Unless it is positioned just right it is really noisy, and I would like something with a bit more flow as well. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it!


Also if the tank has been established for 6 months-year and has fish in it already and good levels across the boards, then why wouldn't I want to try adding another fish? I guess it might be good to let the base rock get more "live" with more bacteria, but is there any other reasons. I feel like based on my levels and how established the tank is in about a week I could probably add another fish perfectly fine. As long as I give the tank time to catch up to my bioload I should be alright right?


Thanks, Braden

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Thanks for the reply. What is wrong with my setup though? The maroons get along with the six line fine and do well. I will get rid of them once they get too big or aggressive. I don't see what the problem is. I would like to try things my own way instead of doing whatever people tell me. I'm not saying I have to be a reckless rebel, just stray from the path a little. I appreciate peoples opinions but just because they give me it, does not mean I have to do everything that they tell me to. It is an opinion and suggestion, not a if you have 2 maroon clowns then they HAVE to be given away before any other fish is added.



Thanks very much for your response. It was helpful. I do plan to get a koralia 425 and also an RODI system. The bulbs were replaced a couple weeks ago so they should be good. Could I keep some SPS in there? What about the RBTA? If I want to keep that should I upgrade to LEDS right away? It just doesn't seem to healthy! Also any suggestions on the RODI system? I would prefer something cheap as I am a kid and don't have a huge amount of money to be throwing at the tank, however I don't want to invest in a bad product either. Based on the pictures should I add more base rock? I'm going to the LFS later today and I might pick up 1 or 2 more pieces. Is there a better pump you would suggest for the tank? Unless it is positioned just right it is really noisy, and I would like something with a bit more flow as well. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it!


Also if the tank has been established for 6 months-year and has fish in it already and good levels across the boards, then why wouldn't I want to try adding another fish? I guess it might be good to let the base rock get more "live" with more bacteria, but is there any other reasons. I feel like based on my levels and how established the tank is in about a week I could probably add another fish perfectly fine. As long as I give the tank time to catch up to my bioload I should be alright right?


Thanks, Braden



Lets see,


Where do you live? If it were me I would buy an RO/DI used off my local forum, but theres good systems HERE for cheap, I recommend the $138.00 - OCEAN WAVE FIVE STAGE 75 GPD RO/DI for a cheaper GOOD unit, don't get the one above it with no DI.


The Koralia nano 425 is a great pump for that tank, but get two. Again, no need to buy them new, save some money and buy there on this website in the used dry goods for sale, or on reefcentral.com


The rock it 100% up to you if you want more or not, its all based on looks. Dont buy it from a pet store though, again, but it from a local reef club. Wait a few weeks before adding more fish though, just let your system catch up and get where it should be.


As far as SPS, definitely not with that tank/light, and as for the RBTA, I've seen some happy ones under biocubes, but if it doesn't look healthy, I wouldn't risk it.


Keep asking questions!!


My BEST advice is find your local reef club, join it, ask questions, and BUY everything from THEM to save money and get quality goods!

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Thanks for the reply. What is wrong with my setup though? The maroons get along with the six line fine and do well. I will get rid of them once they get too big or aggressive. I don't see what the problem is. I would like to try things my own way instead of doing whatever people tell me. I'm not saying I have to be a reckless rebel, just stray from the path a little. I appreciate peoples opinions but just because they give me it, does not mean I have to do everything that they tell me to. It is an opinion and suggestion, not a if you have 2 maroon clowns then they HAVE to be given away before any other fish is added.





Being a reckless rebel has nothing to do with it. But be smart, some folks don't see anything wrong with putting a Tang (or 2) in a Nano either....... just look at some of the past TOTM winners, that doesn't make it right though.


Maroons will get big and they are poop and pee machines, so a lot of waste will be produced. You will have to keep on top of water changes and not over-feed.


If it were me, I'd go to a LFS and see if I could work out a trade for more "nano-friendly" fish, just my 2 cents and all I'll say is Good Luck!

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Thanks for clarifying. I do plan to keep them for a little while just because I want them to get a little bigger and they are doing fine with the other fish for now. In the future though I do plan to get rid of them and replace them with some ocellaris or percula clowns.

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Great my pink condy went into my circulation pump! I got it out fine as it didn't get all torn up and stuck in there luckily. Unfortunately it did take some damage to it, but the foot seems okay, it's sticky, and it's eating fine, so I believe it will be just fine.

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Honestly if you want a pair of maroons then you should probably upgrade, those things get huge. Tank looks good so far in my opinion, but since it's a 29 gallon Biocube and you seem to really want to add lots of fish, your best bet would be to get rid of the maroons as quickly as you can and take out the six line at least temporarily. That way if you want to add more peaceful fish, you could add them in first so they establish their territory, and then hopefully they could hold their own against the wrasse. Just my opinion anyway, go really slow, and also do NOT prolong getting an RODI unit. Six months into the hobby I had algae in all colors of the rainbow except for purple coralline, which I really wanted. Just go slow and make a plan so you know exactly what you want to keep and won't have to waste money on things you won't want in the long run.

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I'd probably add about four damsels and a couple dottybacks. I saw someone do it so it should be fine. Also throw in a carpet nem or two.

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I'd probably add about four damsels and a couple dottybacks. I saw someone do it so it should be fine. Also throw in a carpet nem or two.

Are you being serious or just trying to be rude?



Honestly if you want a pair of maroons then you should probably upgrade, those things get huge. Tank looks good so far in my opinion, but since it's a 29 gallon Biocube and you seem to really want to add lots of fish, your best bet would be to get rid of the maroons as quickly as you can and take out the six line at least temporarily. That way if you want to add more peaceful fish, you could add them in first so they establish their territory, and then hopefully they could hold their own against the wrasse. Just my opinion anyway, go really slow, and also do NOT prolong getting an RODI unit. Six months into the hobby I had algae in all colors of the rainbow except for purple coralline, which I really wanted. Just go slow and make a plan so you know exactly what you want to keep and won't have to waste money on things you won't want in the long run.


I appreciate the feedback but as I have stated numerous times I don't plan to keep them forever. Once they get to big or aggressive I am gonna give them up.

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