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Coral Vue Hydros

my new - nano reef tank -


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to newbiecarlz,


hi, i think my snail also call astrea.


i really like your 'boyu' tank, if i'm not wrong i has an integrated wet n dry filteration on the back, not like my old 'jebo' tank which only have a trickle filteration on the top. unfortunetly i can not find any 'boyu' tank in melbourne.


this is also my first marine tank, i also quite worried with my corals, it's cost me around $150 to get that 4 pieces small corals :(


do you know how to clear up all the algae in the sand, i don't see my snail playing around in the sand, always stick up in my LR. i'm thinking to dding a small sea cucumber for clean those mess.

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maybe you guys should order online, and get it shipped. i'm sure shipping would be expensive, but turbo snails online shouldn't cost more than 1.50 a piece. you could also order your lights from there (or on ebay), just make sure to email the company to see if they would ship it out to australia

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thanks Vic, but im not sure if livestock would travel too well if shipped all the way from the states (or what aus quarantine regulations will allow - they are pretty strict)


do turbo snails clean algae from the substrate? i bought a couple of tiny hermits who play around in the sand - i was told they eat algae but they arent doing much! a cucumber could help i guess... but it would have to be a small one or i think it would eventually starve (?)


yes otedd, my tank does have the same system in the back as the JBJ nano tanks, but it dosent really work as a wet/dry, the whole back just fills with water and there are several compartments. i did a bit of research and most of the tanks you find here are the 'jebo' style with the filter overhead. initially i was going to buy one but decided against it because i would have to pull the filter and/or the lights out to make it work. i found the boyu at two stores in brisbane, (surprise!) and im sure that a melbourne store could order one if u were going to have another tank. that said, it still has bad lighting and if i was going to have another tank i would probably buy a glass tank and set it up the way i want so i can have corals. but for my first tank its doing ok! and i do like its compact look.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Errrrrm, you do realise that you've got a triggerfish right? He can become 10 inches in size in no time, plus... he isnt reef safe(eats coral). I would get him out of there asap!!!:o

Your tank is very nice, but the trigger will tear it down in no time.


Just trying to help.



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to MrStoffel,


hi, thank's for your comments


yes, i get trigger fish in the tank, it was a gift from my friend. is he really danger for a reef ?


i really like the shape :(

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Originally posted by otedd

to MrStoffel,


hi, thank's for your comments


yes, i get trigger fish in the tank, it was a gift from my friend.  

is he really danger for a reef ?  


i really like the shape :(


Yes he certainly is, he is small right now but he will grow to become a coral eating monster in no time. Now he is satisfied with the food he gets from you, but as he will grow he will eat everything he can find!!! Especially zoanthids and other soft corals are on his menu, sps and lps are not his favorite food but he will also eat them if theres nothing else left.

I agree it is a beautifull fish, but if you want to keep your tank as clean as it is, i really sugest you try to sell that fish to someone with a fish only tank or to your LFS.

Another problem with the fish is its size, it can grow to half the length of your tank, so thats another isue, he will have a huge effect on the bioload of your tank.


Those fish are just not suitable for nano reefs, or reef tanks at all!!! Only in a fish only tank they can be kept the way they schould be.


Hope you make the right decission.


Greetzz from belgium ;)

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Dr. Saltwater

Beatifull tank!!!! But there's a but ...:


Those two fish aren't reef safe. They pick on almost every corals' polyps.


On this picture beneath you see the following Fish:



Left is the Saddle Valentini Puffer (Canthigaster valentini). Nice but unfriendly fish that grows to 4". Read here for more information:



Right is the Picasso Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus). A coral-eater in my opinion! Grows up to 10". Read here for more information:



Both Fish are better suited for Fish-Only tanks!


So I totally agree with my Belgium neighbour! ;)

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.... ok. i've actually read a good bit on triggers that say that they are indeed reef safe. but they might eat your snails and hermits.


as far as the valentini puffer, he's definitely going to take out any feather dusters.


the thing with fish is that they all have different personalities. watch them both closely, and if they start to pick on your corals, then it's time for them to leave. make sure you watch the trigger's growth, because they can grow very fast, and he will need a bigger home.

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first of all most of you should take into consideration the difficulty of obtaining livestock in the south pacific, sure we are really close to some of the areas these fish come from, but the regulations governing importation/sale of animals means that the prices and availability of stock is sometimes obsurb.




cleaner shrimp: 75$ at a cheap store

green chromis: 35-40$ standard

brown mushies: a fist sized rock with about 6 mushies for 100$


a lfs just started stocking marines and they bought in a spotted puffer that i was very tempted to buy regardless of the fact that it might have eaten every coral in my tank.


otedd awesome tank


love the orange mushies and the leather with its polyps out

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hi guys,


thank's alot for all your opinions.


actually i already get my valentini puffer for a months, since he in my tank, i haven't see do some damage to my coral, yes some times i see him poking my LR and sand.


but now i will watch them more intensively. :)


to brianemone,

hi my oz Neighbors, yes i very agre with you about the live stock variety limitation and pricing in our area. :(


that become one of the reason why i do not have the cleaner shrimp, ooo i really want one of them so badly :(

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brianemone, is livestock really that expensive for you? thats outrageous! ill admit that some things are pricey (mostly equipment and imported fish) but the things you listed arent that expensive in QLD...


cleaner shrimp are the same price here (except coral banded shrimp, i got mine for $20 - have a look for one of those otedd they are a bit bossy but i think your trigger would eat it?) and shrooms at my LFS are like $30 for a rock with up to 10 polyps - and nice colours too! $40 for chromis!!?? thats about double than LFS here.. in bris anyway..


otedd what lights are you using on your tank now? not still a single 20 watt fluro? i have been unable to upgrade my lights so far, i think ill be sticking with what ive got and just going with low low light stuff...

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