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my new - nano reef tank -


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Hi guys,


This is my new nano reef tank,


Setup start on 6 june 04.


current specs :

- tank around 60 Liter with build in sump at the back.

- 4 kg live rock.

- small protein skimmer with air pump at the back.

- 100w heater (set at 26 celcius).

- main return pump 1000 L/hour.

- 600 L/hour power head for water movement.




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this is my tank left side (the filteration side).


i put white fibre wool at the top, then give some empty space, and bioball at the bottom.


this fileration should be a wet and dry filteration, but unfortunetly i make a mistake in the design, now the water has to fill in that filteration part until full :*(

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to Dolfan0925,



sorry i do not understad your post.


if you mean a water top up, i haven't create an automated top up, still using manual way ;)

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I think he means the way that your tanks water level isn`t up to the rim or closer to the top. Probably because he doesn`t have legs on the light... How do you keep the tank from getting hot with the lights siting right on glass?

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the current light it still for temporary, i only use 1 x 20 watt, so i do not see any heating problem to the tank, and it is winter in australia at the moment.


but in future i planning to use 4 x 20 watt for the lighthing and use stand on the reflector to avoid over heating.

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Good start. I would reccomend you keeping the filter media-fibre wool and bioballs- above the water level if it is possible and change the fibre wool frequently. If you keep the filter media under water you will keep the detritus that you have to take out ouf the system still in the water turning through the system. It has no use. And if you dont keep the filter media clean it will produce ammonia.

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hey i like your refugium set up, let us know how it works out.


i think you are the only other aussie ive seen on this site! but then again im pretty new to this myself..


i just bought my tank today, and wont have any water in it til next week, but ill be posting pics when its up and running!


btw, you dont know of any places that are good for getting small lights in oz? i need some little (same size as 11W) power compacts and i think its going to be hard to find some.. ideally id love a 50/50 27watt quad.. but i dont even know if they exist..!

im going to try all the electrical places, but i doubt ill find actinic there!

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to newbiecarlz,



i think i'm not the only oz in here, there also couple z i found in this forum.


i also get a problem to find small lighting system in oz, i already go to most of the LFS in melbourne but can not find them.

this is the reason i set up my reef in 2 ft tank, actually in the beginning i start my nano reef in my jebo r338 (10 g) tank, and because the lighting difficulties i swap to current 2 ft tank.


i post some simple picture to see how my tank works, hope it will help you.

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firstly i planning to create a wet/dry filteration in the tank, but i think because of the "2nd divider" (based on the pic above), it make my wet/dry fail. now all my bioball and fiber wool are sink under the water :(


from my understanding, the reason wet/dry created is to supply lot of oxygen to the bioball. and to supply this oxygen at my current set up, i put and airstone which connect to airpump below the bioball, i hope this will be ok :)


the reasoni put the "2nd divider" is to put some LR + sand and that midle section together with the heater.

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hmm yeah i see what you mean about the wet/dry... i dont know if the airstone will do the same thing, but i guess it cant hurt?


ive just bought a 'boyu' tank, its pretty much the same as the 'jbj' nano cube (lots of people on this site have them) but it has a different name on the front, and an 11w PC light not a 24w like the 'jbj'. im hoping to find a better PC small enough to replace the 11w with, but until then im just going to have live rock, fish and shrimp; no corals :( what did you have in your jebo tank?


actually your filtration system looks a bit similar to the one in the back of my tank, except without the skimmer. mine has sponge in the first section, bioballs/ceramic rings in the second, carbon and another (?) sponge, and the pump is in the last part. im not sure if im going to leave all that stuff in there, the LFS said leave the sponge but rinse it out regularly, and i think ill leave the bioballs/rings in there until i find something to replace them with (maybe more LR).

but i dont really like the idea of all those sponges.. maybe ill cut the first ones in half and leave them to filter the 'incoming' water, but the rest are going!

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  • 1 month later...



after cycle my tank around 1 - 2 months


then i decide to start stock up my tank, with several corals ( forget all the name :blush: ) and 2 small blue chromis.


the current setup:

- lighthing running 4 fluorecent tube @ 20watt each. (2 blue + 2 white), running for 7 hours.

- temperatur 26 celcius .

- nitrite = 0.

- nitrate = 0.

- amonia = 0.


any comments ??

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hey aussie buddy!

how did your filter work out in the end?

good to see its working out for you. how much did they charge you for that snail on the RHS of the second pic? my LFS charges $14 each!! says they are aquacultured. although i do admit mine has done an awesome job so far of cleaning up algae!

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to newbiecarlz,



i think my filter still doing ok at this time.


i get $5.50 each for the snail, i'm not sure what kind of snail it is.

i get 2 of them, but i think they do not eating all the algae in the glass and sand, they only going around in my live rock.


my LFS offer me a turbo snail, which they say is they best snail, but it will cost me $40 each !! to expensive for me !!


how is your tank ? any picture to share ?

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to cjm033,


That's australia, all the aquarium stuffs ( live stock + equipment, incl freswater ) are very expensive in here.


It approximately 30-40% more expensive than other country !! :(

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1 USD = 1.40389 AUD today (XE.com)....so $2.00 US = 2.81 Australian Dollars.


That's not 30-40% more expensive. That's 1423% more expensive.


Not to be pedantic or anything :grin: , but I think your LFS might be off by a decimal place. Is there another LFS around? What's shipping like to Australia?



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40 bucks for a turbo snail???? Wow, they are like 3.95 CDN here.


Watch out for some of your corals, they have sweeper tentacles that may be able to sting each other, namely the bubble coral in coral 2.

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yeah aus prices for some stuff is ridiculous.. i dont know about $40 for a turbo but i know i paid $14 for my snail.. i think its an astrea? has a conical shaped shell and you can see half of one in otedd's pic. i think they aquaculture them over here.


to otedd, there are pics of my tank in this thread:


its slowly getting there, wish me luck because its my first marine tank!

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