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Gorgonian Placement Q?


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Where should I place my yellow gorgonian in my 5.5?


It is a 2" frag that looks to have broken away some time ago but never been oriented or planded or attached anywhere so the foot, well ehere one would expect a foot, has a polyp obstructing it. At the moment i have it in an area in a large open cave getting good flow and lower light, on the sand bed. I would like to have it upright but I don't know how to deal with it.


Should I:

-Plant it upright in the sandbed by burying its "foot"?


-leave it just sitting in there?


-Glue it to some LR?


Then place it:


-Toward the back of the tank (a little less light)


-In a cave


-In or on the rockwork?

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I have some "frags" too. You should use glue as a last resort. if you can just place it in a hole of the rock without much problem- just stick it in there and it will soon gorw on to rock. But if thats not possible, try rubble banding it to a rock, and it will also grow on to the rock.

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