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New Hood Wtf?!?!?!


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Get this. I talked to a JBJ rep today about the new hood with twice the wattage and with cooling fans for the 12 gal nano. The guy says that now it's going to be a couple of months before it is released. I was told it would be during this month. ARRRGGGHHH!!! And he said that the hood will be sold with the new cube but not seperately. AKA I have to buy the entire new cube just to get the hood I want. Is this guy telling the truth or is he just BSing me? If I do have to buy the new cube to get the hood, should I just replace the old hood with the new one, or just transfer everything to the new tank (which will be the biggest hassle, but I go to college so I'll have to move my tank every year anyway)?

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matt the fiddler

don't do teh nano cube thing then. :-) you can get lighting cheaper form other places- just get a $8 10 gallon from walmart..

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I hate to interrupt this thread with a non-snarky remark, but you might just be in for more of a wait. The rep may have been telling the truth (though very often they get spotty data - half the time our Hagen reps find out about promotions after the stores already know), but that'll have to change. Think about it.. What happens if and when something breaks in the hood? They make you buy an entirely new setup? Unlikely. With most new products, however, you end up seeing the brand spanking new package first and then they package the parts later on. I'm certain that the hood should be available after that, though don't hold out, you might be in for a wait.

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Emokid, let's drop the attitude. I have the funds for one tank. However, as you should well know , it is twice as expensive to run two tanks as it is to run one. And thanks Rikko for the info. You're probably right. I think I'm gonna hold off on modding my tank right now and just keep what I have running and let it mature more.

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You have to remember, JBJ is Chinese made (COMMUNIST), they have a very governmental attitude in manufacturing, deadlines don't mean much to them, sometimes things take years.

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I just talked to someone at JBJ about the new hood before I do a retro they're running into production problems so we can expect to wait another 2 1/2 months before it's release.

I'm impatient so I may just do one on my own :)

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I don't understand the whole nano cube fad.....you spend 100 bucks, then you end up cutting here, adding there, doing this and that....why not just save your time and money and but an aga and do it how you want it done from the beginning....

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what's good about the nanocube? the tank look hMM soo normal and the present hood is a piece of junk and still the new hood they claim are under rated .i think the JbJ are too slow to catch up with the reef hobbies.if the new cube is price at $50 under than ill mayyyybe get one and use it for hospital tank other than that i think its a waste of money.

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I liked the look and hey it's only money right, If I added up the money i've spent on this hobby i'm sure i could have just bought a car and drove to the beach :P

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