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IPhone DSLR Camaera, Wow this is crazy.


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i actually got hands on with a similar product; not really impressed for two reasons:


1. Either - the device has a focusing screen and macro lens which ends up introducing noise

Or - the device just has a close-focus element which totally kills the infinity end of the focusing


2. The most helpful part of a DSLR is shutter/aperture/ISO control which is not really there with a mirrorless iPhone




They are cool little cases for messin' around

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I think it's badass, but probably isn't as good as a normal DSLR/SLR camera, I dunno, I know nothing about cameras lol


It's a lot like buying a Ferrari body (the lens), and then tossing a go-cart engine in there (camera sensor).

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I think it's badass, but probably isn't as good as a normal DSLR/SLR camera, I dunno, I know nothing about cameras lol

It won't even come close because the camera in an iPhone just isn't meant to be a DSLR. Slapping a big cool looking lens on something isn't going to make the crap smell better. This is basically like putting big 24" spinning rims on a Ford Pinto.


Derp Griever you posted while I was typing lol.

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It's too bad that even though the iphone has one of the best photo taking devices built in it's still crap compared to even some of the cheapest cameras. A full resolution view of most iphone images reveals just how limited the sensor is.


So why in the world would you marry a high end telephoto lens to a phone?


No one will notice me taking a picture with my phone ... :)






The 4 and 4S are pretty darn good for a phone camera.

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Lumia 920. Nuff said.


If you want some lenses that don't make you look like an ignorant iFool try something a bit more reasonable like http://www.amazon.com/Camera-Designed-Apple-iPhone-Angle/dp/B0073C0QSE/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=16FH8KY6FJIZZ&coliid=I226RO2IFCVRVR


Compairing any phone sensor to even a 3-4 year old full frame or 3/4 frame DSLR sensor is like compairing a bike to a Ducatti. It's one of those things where just listing the megapixels is so highly misleading. There's a lot more that goes into the capture of the image by the censor. My older Sony DSLR may 'only' have 16.1 MP, but it's an APS-C Sensor. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_sensor_format) For compairison, any phone's sensor is going to be about half to a third of the size of the smallest format listed. This makes a HUGE difference in the amount of light it's able to capture and process, one of the main reasons that phone cameras fail so hard in any area that's not very well lit. Even that new phone that lists 41 MP will look like garbage next to all but the most basic point and shoots.

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Lumia 920. Nuff said.


I doubt it, but I'd have to see. Massive megapixels doe snto equate with a quality, sharp, well toned photo. Taking pictures of SPS corals really magnifies this limitation quickly, IMO.

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I doubt it, but I'd have to see. Massive megapixels doe snto equate with a quality, sharp, well toned photo. Taking pictures of SPS corals really magnifies this limitation quickly, IMO.




I'd rather take a 7 MP camera with a proper shutter and a decent sized sensor than a 20 MP wonder-phone.

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Compairing any phone sensor to even a 3-4 year old full frame or 3/4 frame DSLR sensor is like compairing a bike to a Ducatti. It's one of those things where just listing the megapixels is so highly misleading. There's a lot more that goes into the capture of the image by the censor. My older Sony DSLR may 'only' have 16.1 MP, but it's an APS-C Sensor. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_sensor_format) For compairison, any phone's sensor is going to be about half to a third of the size of the smallest format listed. This makes a HUGE difference in the amount of light it's able to capture and process, one of the main reasons that phone cameras fail so hard in any area that's not very well lit. Even that new phone that lists 41 MP will look like garbage next to all but the most basic point and shoots.



I doubt it, but I'd have to see. Massive megapixels doe snto equate with a quality, sharp, well toned photo. Taking pictures of SPS corals really magnifies this limitation quickly, IMO.

I'm just saying this over any other phone camera out there, I know it doesn't compare to any dedicated camera that's worth a damn. But in the world of phone cameras the 920 kicks some serious butt.

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Has Anyone tryed thoes Clip on Marco or wide angle lenses for smart phones? I want to try and improve my Macro shoots. As it stands I use a Samsung Galaxey with its built in macro mode and it works pretty well, but I wonder if its possable to make it even a little better? So if you have ever tryed one of these lenses, I wanna read about it.

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