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Top Shelf Aquatics

Eclipse 6, 8 months ald, all new corals three weeks old :)


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I really have done very little to my tank in the way of customization, except for the needed csl 32watt retrofit kit, and removing the biowheel. even so, here are some photos :)



Theres the full tank



Theres my frogspawn. I really need some glue for it, my snail keeps knocking it off.






My polyp colony



Rebel polyps



My toadstool



finger coral



What type of shroom is this?


Thats it so far. The tank also has 6 snails and 5 hermits atm, my emerald crab died a few months back, killed by a hermit. That must be the worst thing for a emerald crab, dying to a hermit. He was a gimp though, only 1 arm :) If anyone has any suggestions about my tank I would be more than happy to hear them! Im brand new to corals, so I need all the help I can get.

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yea definently rock is the foundation of tanks especially nanos since we have so little room to work with its hard to find rock that fits so perfect.

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well i mean live rock is a better biological filtration than sand in my opinion. i rahter have more rock. if your worried about not having enough room for sand get a refugium or a sump. in my 6 gallon eclipse i only have 3/4 inch of sand hahah. its great cuz vacuum syphoning it is easy peasy.

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