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help save my clown fish please!

i am a clown fish

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i am a clown fish

hey everyone, thanks for tanking the time to read my thread!


Today i woke up and realized that my clown fish was haning out in the back corner of my tank near the surface and just staying there with very little movement. Usually (for the past 3 weeks) he just swims in the current and keep moving. what is going on with him? is he gona die? is this normal. i also noticed that he was on his side for about 5 seconds. that really scared me.


thanks for you help everyone. much appreciated

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please some more detail. Is he breathing hard? Any signs of black or white spots. Clownfish are funny. Try to test your water and let us know what's going on. He might be fine. Good luck and I hope he's just acting funny

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ya, need to leave stats, ie. age of tank, age of fish, how long has the fish lived in the tank, what did u do prior to the fish acting like that(add dominant fish). No such thing as too much information. Definitely such a thing as not enuf info.

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My percula did the same thing. If it can't find a suitable place to hide down bellow it will seek refuge at the surface to rest. My clownfish did this, scared me, but was perfectly fine. It even laid on its side when it was "nap time." There is (most likely) nothing to worry about.

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