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Maiden's Hair Macro Algae


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Anyone successfully kept this that can offer a few words on it? Specifically:


-the toxicity towards reef friendly inverts. I don't know if it's the type of thing where if a little hermit or snail tries to take a bite they wind up dead, or if it's more mild.


-how invasive it is. I would plan to keep it more or less to it's own little tuft or island ideally, but if it's known for spreading too quickly I can probably get by without it.



I'm interested in it mostly to add some element of movement to my tank. I've seen it in person a few times and its rhythmic swaying in the water current (similar to GSP) is an aesthetic feature that it'd be nice to include in my setup.



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-how invasive it is. I would plan to keep it more or less to it's own little tuft or island ideally, but if it's known for spreading too quickly I can probably get by without it.

It looks like hair algae and if I had to venture a guess I would say that it spreads at about the same rate. I could very well be wrong because I have never dealt with this kind of macro before. I would be wary about placing it next to corals though.

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It looks like hair algae and if I had to venture a guess I would say that it spreads at about the same rate. I could very well be wrong because I have never dealt with this kind of macro before. I would be wary about placing it next to corals though.



For some reason I'm tempted to assume it doesn't spread like GHA, but that's just my gut. As far as proximity to anything, if I did get it, it would pretty much be off by itself. I'm more worried about the mobile inverts that might come up to it and experience the supposed toxicity first-hand.

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I believe the toxin is more of a bad taste and your CUC will most likley devoure it anyways.


:wacko: I sure hope not! I'm stocking only filter feeders other than however many scarlets/snails I need when I come out of my cycle depending on how much algae there is. Since I'm not going to be keeping any fish, I'm guessing I won't need many (tank is only 6g anyway). The tank setup as a whole doesn't really call for a traditional CUC.

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:wacko: I sure hope not! I'm stocking only filter feeders other than however many scarlets/snails I need when I come out of my cycle depending on how much algae there is. Since I'm not going to be keeping any fish, I'm guessing I won't need many (tank is only 6g anyway). The tank setup as a whole doesn't really call for a traditional CUC.


I just had found a post from John from reef-cleaners saying they don't stock maiden's hair because it will be eaten buy the CUC. Just may want to be careful and watch out for stuff munching on it.

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I just had found a post from John from reef-cleaners saying they don't stock maiden's hair because it will be eaten buy the CUC. Just may want to be careful and watch out for stuff munching on it.


Rut ro. Well that's good to know going into it at least. Suppose I can't be mad at a CUC invert for trying to carry out its sole purpose in life. For now I'll assume its a gamble and if nothing eats it, I'll just be pleasantly surprised :)

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I got a large clump from aquatic connection about a month ago. I have it in my nano. It seems to have shrunk back some. I also have about 4 other types of macro algae growing in the display and sump so it could be starving? It is still bright green and it was sold as a larger piece connected to live rock. Check them out. I am pleased with the purchase. It is rhythmic in nature watching it. I have had planted tanks and reminds me of having a freshwater component in the reef :) I cant say if the CUC is eating it, by hermits are in the sump and all I have in the display is shrimp and clowns. Interesting though.

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I got a large clump from aquatic connection about a month ago. I have it in my nano. It seems to have shrunk back some. I also have about 4 other types of macro algae growing in the display and sump so it could be starving? It is still bright green and it was sold as a larger piece connected to live rock. Check them out. I am pleased with the purchase. It is rhythmic in nature watching it. I have had planted tanks and reminds me of having a freshwater component in the reef :) I cant say if the CUC is eating it, by hermits are in the sump and all I have in the display is shrimp and clowns. Interesting though.



I'm from bucks county too! Originally at least. Moved to DC for college and now live/work here.

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