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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Gio's 10 Gallon *Harlequin Stars*


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Current FTS (May 2014)


Black Ocellaris
Randall's Goby

Zoanthids - Zoanthus sp.
Green Star Polyps - Pachyclavularia sp.
St. Thomas Mushrooms -
Ricordeas - Ricordea florida
Blue Anthelia - Anthelia sp.
Yellow/Green Torch - Euphyllia glabrescens
Neon Green Candycane - Caulastrea furcata
Red/Green/Purple Monti Caps - Montipora capricornis
ORA Green Birdsnest - Seriatopora guttatus
Purple w/Green Polyp Montipora - Montipora sp.
Dendros - Dendrophyllia fistula

Inverts and CUC
Red Tree Sponge
Maxi Mini Anemone - Stichodactlya tapetum
Nerite Snail - Nerita sp
Astrea Snails
Cerith Snails - Cerithium sp.
Scarlet Hermit Crabs
Red Mithrax Crab
Harlequin Serpent Stars
Randall's Pistol Shrimp

Due to an A/C failure, I pretty much lost everything that was in the 3g Pico. Most of the coral, and the neon goby didn't survive the 88+ degree temperature spike. What did survive is now in this 10 gallon that I set in the same spot as the old pico. My plans with this tank are the same as the pico, and maybe adding 2-3 fish as well.

Here are some pictures just to get it started...


Painted frame to make a screen top

Lots of snails! Thanks John at ReefCleaners!

As you can see, I added another Par30 bulb to provide more light spread. Also, these were all taken from my phone, my apologies on the quality.

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Due to an A/C failure, I pretty much lost everything that was in the 3g Pico. Most of the coral, and the neon goby didn't survive the 88+ degree temperature spike. What did survive is now in this 10 gallon that I set in the same spot as the old pico. My plans with this tank are the same as the pico, and maybe adding 2-3 fish as well.


Here are some pictures just to get it started...




Painted frame to make a screen top



Lots of snails! Thanks John at ReefCleaners!



As you can see, I added another Par30 bulb to provide more light spread. Also, these were all taken from my phone, my apologies on the quality.



Call me wierd but I really enjoy getting a shipment of a hundred snails and watching them all figure it out and go to work.


Long time no hear. Sorry about all your stuff. I'm sure the 10 will be great as well.

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It was great watching them spread out from a big pile!

And thanks, I hope that in time it will be just as good as the pico. If not better!

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Not too many updates since my last post. Had some diatom and hair algae bloom due to the new rock and sand. The cuc cleaned it right up. Have been doing daily water changes as a precaution for any remaining die off. Also added a scarlet hermit into the mix!


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So I added 3 small Banggai cardinals. 10 gallon is a tad small, but my goal is to get a pair to form and remove the other. Hopefully they are mixed sexes! They are small and fairly inactive, and I plan to perform 2-3 waterchanges per week to keep up with the bioload.



Also, the surviving corals are almost back to full health. I will be adding more frags in the days to come.


Some extra pictures, and a FTS









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  • 2 weeks later...

Banggais were fighting too much so I decided to keep just a single one. They might have been all males, and the tank is small, but it was worth a shot. Also, got some more frags in and mounted. Added a hydor pico mag for additional flow. Here are some pictures...














My apologies on the bad quality, camera isn't the greatest. <_<

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Looks good - Gio !!!

Thanks! Now if I could only figure out how to get better pictures, it would look so much better. A regular point and shoot camera and an iphone isn't exactly the best!


Also, added a peppermint shrimp to hopefully get rid of some aiptasia that's in there

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Peppermint shrimp did excellent work on the aiptasia, but once it ran out, he started munching on my birdsnest polyps -__- so I had to take him back.

Anyways, one of my not so local lfs(haha) had a yasha goby and several candy striped pistol shrimp. So I decided to get the goby and one shrimp and try to pair them up. They are currently together in a burrow the shrimp made, but they haven't come out in the open yet. Here are two pictures of the two acclimating





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  • 6 months later...

This tank thread needs an update!


A lot has happened since my last post. The yasha finally began to settle in and get used to me, and then one day I found him in the aquaclear. So I put him back in the tank, and never found him again. I suspect he went carpet surfing :(

Needless to say, I was pretty bumbed about it. The pistol shrimp was still in there, although being very shy.


I had a busy holiday season, so not much progress. Had lots of growth on the coral, especially the SPS. But now I've started my restocking! :D


First new addition is the porcelain crab (video of him doing his thing)




Then finally got my hands on a Randall's Goby, after many many months :happydance:




And a couple of neat videos!



This is the pistol digging his burrow under the GSP haha




And finally, some general top-downs showing growth





I'll update with an FTS soon!

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  • 4 weeks later...


Moved one mithrax crab and the peppermint shrimp into a newly started "pest" pico :P Currently that tank only has sand, rock with some anthelia on it, and the inverts. Tomorrow that tank will be getting some macros and this main tank will be getting some more ricordea and some other mystery items!

Will post tomorrow with pictures :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Starting a zoa collection. Waiting for a few more to grow out before adding them to the rock.



And a shot of one of the two harlequin serpent stars


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  • 2 weeks later...

Some more shots of the coral.








The tank is a mess of frags right now due to a frag swap I'll be going to on Sunday. After Sunday I should have most of the frags gone :D

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Some more shots of the coral.








The tank is a mess of frags right now due to a frag swap I'll be going to on Sunday. After Sunday I should have most of the frags gone :D


I'll see you there !!

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reallllly nice pics!! what did you take them with?

All the "better pictures" are taken with a canon point and shoot, not the greatest thing haha

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Zoa rock with goby making a sneak appearance! :lol:



Fruit Loops



I also picked up a frag of Season's greetings monti locally, I'll post some more pictures and an FTS in the days to come

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