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blue damsel trouble??


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I have two blue damsels and have had them since I first started my tank (about 2 months). At first they were both really active but now only one is active and the other stays hidden in a rock 95% of the time. His color is still vivid blue which to me indicates he is not under stress (although I could be wrong). Is it normal for blue devil damsels to act this way??

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  • 3 weeks later...

They can be a very aggresive little fish! I had one in a 20 gal, and it kept another damsel pinned in the corner. You could re-arrange the tank as this will sometimes throw off them off and create the sense of a new environment, where all dominance is off. I had to do this quite frequently with my african chicild tanks. If that doesn't work, I would vote to return one and keep the passive one.

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