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Via Aqua 10 Gallon - Suggestions please!


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Im interested, after reading many forums and taking to a fair few people, in buying a via aqua 10 gallon.


I just wanted to know - would you suggest getting a light/and any filter upgrades on it - and if so what, and possibly price - Im going to keep the tank simple with (most probably) some figi LR and LS and ether a perc or osc clown, and maybe a cleaner shrimp (as well as a small clean up crew etc) - would the stock system be able to support that - if i added a powerhead etc? And is this setup a good idea?


PS. Apologies - posted in wrong area - tried to delete but it wouldnt let me. Any help would still assist me though.


Thank you for your time.

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I like the via aqua tanks. I think the lighting that comes with them is great for softies and maybe a montipora or two. Get the one with 50/50 if you plan on coral. I do suggest a power head and I don't know about what filter comes with it.

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I run a Via Aqua 10 with a Penguin Bio-Mini filter and Powersweep powerhead and 32w 50/50 smartlamp powercompact lighting....and that's all i've needed (and a heater) crappy lighting came with mine so not sure what your stock lighting includes. the top-of-tank filter that came with woulda been great, but the stock pump runs a little hot and loud and i didn't want that long intake tube....


here's a pic of my setup



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the stock equipment with a small powerhead added will easily support what you want to keep.....to answer your question.


for my setup the filter was less than $20....Powersweep about $17...and the light kit $49

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Thanks very much everyone - especially fishbabies for those pics - ur nano looks amazing. Would the stock lighting also be able to support some zoos as well (just to add some colour etc)

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setting up the 10g shouldn't be too hard. I would suggest 45~50 watts of PC light. mabey a pair of 25 watt pc's. one daylight and one 03 10K actinite would be ideal.


any hob filter will suffice but don't use the generic cartirdiges that come in them. I've got a bag of chemipure in mine and the improvement in water clarity as well as no more red algae.


I've bought almost all of my lighting stuff from www.hellolights.com


This may be overkill for a beginner tank but the amount of light taht it puts out will allow you tons of growing room to put hard corals and clams and what not in the tank without having to worry about upgrading.




I'm not sure what dimensions your tank is but if this will fit, it'd be my definate choice....although, for a few more bucks you can get a metal halide setup but then you'd run into cooling issues.

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Thanks you lot and fastredponycar for the link and info.


Does anyone possibly know of a decent aquarium light website where i could get some of the lights fastredponycars specified in the UK as I live in London and shipping tends to be rather alot from the US.


Thanks again

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