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2.5 gallon nano to challenge all other 2.5's


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Your tank is looking nice man, keep up the good work. Two gobys may be a bit much for a 2.5 This is my 2.5 gallon display with a 2.5 gallon sump and I still chose to keep it fish-free. Here is a picture right before I went to the sump setup:




Check out my website to see the sump setup I went with.




My 2.5 has since been donated to Bryan over at The Logical Reef so it can continue its life there to make room for my new improved setup... ;)

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Deleted User 8530

DUDE thats off da Hezee too! MAN i am now interested into getting a 2.5g now! I was thinking about a 10g and 5g but this is AWSOME! Not to steal your thread but what fish do well in a 2.5G tank? They have to be hardy too.

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Originally posted by MessyRoadKil

...... but what fish do well in a 2.5G tank? They have to be hardy too.


I have a Gobisoma randalii in mine. It is captive raised from ORA. You can see it in this picture.



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my red heads are captive bred also and barely an inch so far theyve done awosme and if you look in the pic labeled "2nd full tank pic" you can see one of the red heads laying down in the yellow leather i thinkt hats pretty cool its like he hosted to it. hes always hangin out in the thing. thanks for all the comments. the tank has a whisper 5-15 gallon power filter, and a mini fuge/sump made out of a specimen container with lr rubble,feather caulerpa, and chaeto. the light is 2 13 watt pc solar light from petsupplyliquidator. i do a 20 - 25% w/c every week,dose every other day, and feed cyclopeeze every other day.



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hey nice tanks guys, but as for circulation what do you use, like powerheads or a closed loop or the return from the sump, because i am too thinking of setting up a 2.5g after seeing liquids nano i was going to have the return on the sump coming into the tank on a spray bar at the back and just a rio-microjet in the tank would this be enough circulation or slightly overkill??

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for circulation in my tank i have a whisper 5-15 gallon hob filter (with floss) and a fuge/sump made out of a specimen container turned up higher than the hob filter. for your tank i think thatd be enough flow, and if it is a little overkilla nd things arent doing well u can always turn the ph to a lower flow level.



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