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Value LED

Rob in Puyallup

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Rob in Puyallup

Hi Logan,


I placed an order for one of your Value LED Fixtures with 90 degree optics back on April 15.


The only receipt I received was the one PayPal sent me after I placed the order. Your company did not even acknowledge the sale.


I write emails to you and only get very vague responses.


If you want to stay in business you should have stock available to send ASAP. Good customer service pretty much insures that your company will stay in business.


Any idea when my purchase will be sent?


Up to this point you can count me in as a very unsatisfied customer.


Robert G


Puyallup, WA

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A paypal receipt is plenty. If you have not received an order, email them. Ask for clarification. Pretend you ordered something from China on ebay.

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Rob in Puyallup

I can assure you that I've done plenty.


Acknowledgement of receipt of an order is common online vendor practice as a courtesy to the buyer. Without it the buyer is left hanging.

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I can assure you that I've done plenty.


Acknowledgement of receipt of an order is common online vendor practice as a courtesy to the buyer. Without it the buyer is left hanging.




It's frustrating having to call companies to make sure your order went through on their end.

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Well that is unsettling. I understand maybe having a turnaround time but I don't want my order just floating around for a month and not knowing what is going on. :closedeyes:

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I saw that you have emailed, but have you called? I'd call today with my paypal receipt handy so you can go over what you ordered and when you bought it. Maybe talking to someone will get it going (not that you should have to do this!)

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Rought ro I am almost ready to place an order and this definately isnt good to see You can get this same fixture on the net but I chose to go with reef breeders cause of the warranty and they are in the us but if this is the norm thats not good

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That sucks. I was actually contemplating getting one of those fixtures too. Now I think I will steer elsewhere. I definitely hope you get everything figured out man. Thanks for letting us all know too.

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Rob in Puyallup



I received an email saying that the LED fixture has been sent.


Via FedEx.


Estimated delivery: May 10th.


I can hardly wait.

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at least it's on its way! it just really sucks for the wait. :/ hopefully it's perfect when it gets there :)

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Hmmm, I was considering one of these for a new tank build... I'm going to look up other's experiences as well as following this one. I hope this is just a rare case and that you get your light sooner rather than later!

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Rob in Puyallup

Yes, I'm hoping to be the exception.


I read good reviews on the product, and I did expect a delay in receiving it.


It's the lack of customer service that has frustrated me most thus far.

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Reef Breeders

Hi, your light shipped out on Friday, you should have tracking info from us, if not, I can get it for you. I am sorry if you are not satisfied with our communication, I try my best to get back to customers asap. On the vague responses, we cannot say much unless you include your name, paypal email, and order number, otherwise we do not know when, or what you ordered.

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Rob in Puyallup



Yup, I received tracking information, thanks! I'm following it's progress on FedEx.


My corals are dancing jigs as I'm typing this...

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Rob in Puyallup

Some great news...


The LED Fixture arrived this morning. Now I have to figure out a way to hang it over the tank!

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Reef Breeders

Does the light have hanging posts?

They come with 4 wires that meet at a carabiner. The wires clip into 4 small eyelets on top of the fixture.

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Rob in Puyallup

The included hanging kit:

The brass connectors on top of the fixture:



Now... What to hang from...



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Rob in Puyallup

The lighting is great. Just have to figure out a way to hang them.


Off to reef stores later to look for suggestions.

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The radion premium hanging kit is good (may have to jimmy it a little to work with the reef breeders light). Nice ceiling mounts, easy to raise and lower, secure, clean looking.

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Rob in Puyallup

Thanks, Uglyfish ( :) )


Any idea if the brass connectors on my light are removable? They're very tight. Don't wanna turn em too hard and break something.

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