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Manderin Gobies


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So I've seen some nano-reefers with manderin gobies. Can they be successfully kept in a nano? There anyone out there that has had one for a while and it's doin ok? Will they eat anything other than pods?(without having to switch them over like that pet store guy did)



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bad idea man. their survival rate is so low and they are not that cheap of a fish to buy if you know it will be dead in a few weeks. what size tank do u have?


the people that keep them have a VERy well established tank with a refugium supplying extra pods for it to eat and beleive me... they eat a lot.


you technically can keep it in a small tank but the big problem is food since they may( and i say may!!!) eat frozen food but i have seen them only eat it for a while and then just suddenly stop for no reasonand want pods again. so i would say don't even bother trying.

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Originally posted by Dolfan0925

So I've seen some nano-reefers with manderin gobies.  Can they be successfully kept in a nano?  There anyone out there that has had one for a while and it's doin ok?  Will they eat anything other than pods?(without having to switch them over like that pet store guy did)




there is a thread circulating as we type called, " mandarin code cracked ", with input that should answer all your

questions. Just type title in search.


BTW- have had one for over 6 mo. Seems well fed and happy. I pay no attention to its eating habits other then to say it never stops scooting around tank picking at rocks. It obviously must be eating and there are no signs of starvation or color loss on fish

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yeah that was the thread I mentioned. I was asking if there were any way to keep a manderin w/out having to have a system of tanks and lots of pods to slowly ween the goby to other food. Little too much work.

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Agreed. But you got to give these guys there profs for there diligence and dedication. But as I mentioned, I'm doing nothing and mine is doing fine.

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Wo, I didn't get that from your first message. I thought you did something similar. So u just put the fish in and it's ok?

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dodgerblew, please dont let dolfan think thats the case. these fish are alot more delicate then you can imagine as far as nutrition goes. you can't just drop in a mandarin and go. its not that simple by any means.


dodger if you can get any pics of your mandarin all the way around that'd be great as well as photos of your tank and if you want i will give you my input. how big is your tank?


29 of the 30 are now eating at the store. the one thats not came in pretty startled and with a slight case of fin rot which is getting taken care of.


I will do my best to help anyone out with this fish... if at the end of this month we dont sell all of the ones in the store i will ship out whatever we have left.

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Seanano and Dolfan


I am in no way trying to give the impression that I think raising mandarins are easy or a slam dunk. I was just stating a fact that I added a spotted mandarin when I did not know the difficulty in raising them and obviously I have gotten lucky because I did just drop and go and all has been well for many months.


Seanano, if you read what I wrote here I have nothing but praise for your work here and I encouraged him to go to your thread.


I, in no way Dolfan, am encouraging you to do what I did. Quite the contrary. You are doing things the right way which is seeking advice from knowledgable people. At the time I did what I did I followed nothing more then impulse and the salesmanship of a LFS. I, at the time, did not know about websites like this and if I did I wouldn't have attempted a mandarin. Again, I got lucky.


I hope this clears up any wrong impressions I might have given out.

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majestic sea life

i have one in a 10gal for 5years i got him to eat frozen food i feed him 3 times a day he is fat and happy

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Dr. Saltwater
Originally posted by Dolfan0925

So I've seen some nano-reefers with manderin gobies.  Can they be successfully kept in a nano?  There anyone out there that has had one for a while and it's doin ok?  Will they eat anything other than pods?(without having to switch them over like that pet store guy did)




Keeping a 'manderin goby' (Synchiropus splendidus) or 'spotted manderin goby' (Synchiropus picturatus) is very difficult but not impossible. That is for all that kind of gobies as Synchiropus sp., Dactylopus sp., Neosynchiropus sp., Diplogrammus sp., etc.


If you really want to keep one of these your tank should stand for quite a time. Make sure that you have enough LR in your tank so that they have places to hide. The LR also is the place where lot's of little organisms live which gobies feed on. It feeds on a variety of vitamin-enriched live brine shrimp, live black worms, and natural prey on live rock and live sand.


Make sure you have some of it's natural foods in the tank. If not, place them in the tank!


Dr. Saltwater

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We just got 5 more in on thursday. all 5 are Red Mandarins, i should be able to get a hold of them and ship them out.. but i can't promise anything as the store owner gets final say. his prices are as follows 30$ for a green, 37$ for a red, and 45$ for a psychadelic/Spotted. i would have to say that the psychadelics do the best in the process of taking to frozen foods and over all seem happier about it. its just a shame they are a ***** to obtain. anyways i will keep a heads up about the 5 reds they are all females which is good news.... atleast for me. will make this all the easier.

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