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Oceanic Cube 9 month updade


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My Cube has been up and running for 9 months now. Any suggestions on some new corals.


I have neglected the glass scraping as you can see. Scraped the front glass just before this pic so my water is cloudy. Kinda like it on the sides and back of the tank.


250w metal halide xm 20k's

60 lbs live rock.

Prizm skimmer

flame angel

2 ocellaris

fire fish



greep button polyps




two bta's "split recently :)"

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Looks good, You sure need to scrape that glass though, haha. I think a nice torch or Frogspawn would look pretty good in there.

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Sweet. I would get a 30 but honestly, right now I can not afford to stuff it with a suffecient amount of live rock. I am getting a 20 long here before to long. I really love your flame angel. Beautiful fish! I am somewhat weary of putting one in a 20 gallon tank, but if I see that it has suffecient room, I think I might get one. Once again, looks sweet. I like the deep water look.

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thanks again, I added her about 3 months after set up and she has been doing great ever since. Alot of people told me she would not be happy. She will even eat out of my hand. But the orange ocellaris is so protective of its bubble tip I cant even clean the tank. She will constantly bite me which doesnt really hurt but startles me :). I have a 20 long with a pair of Maroon clowns and there arent nearly as mean as the ocellaris. Go figure.

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Needs some color, blue/purple mushrooms, nice orange/green ric's and zoos. Should do a 9 for 99 deal or something. OH yeah almost forgot SPS.

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I think your tank is great. You've inspired me to let the sides of my nano cube grow some algae and coraline... It's a cool effect!

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  • 5 weeks later...

i luv the tank. great setup. just needs some janitorial service. ya know, trim the lawn your growing. imean cmon, that magna scraper is even covered in the junk too....lol...reminds me of my first apartment....no seriously...cool tank...i like oceanic setups.

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