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Cultivated Reef

FREE yellowtail blue damsel in HB Ca

Frustrated Mermaid

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Frustrated Mermaid


If you live in the Orange County area and you would like a perfectly healthy yellowtail blue damsel, please respond to this post.

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Frustrated Mermaid

it's about...I dunno... I guess about 1.5" or so. He's really pretty. It's just that I have 10g and I want 2 clowns and that's my limit. He's gotta go. I don't wanna euthanize the poor little guy. I guess I could take him back to the store and just give him back but then I would rather another hobbyist have him to enjoy.


Why am I a frustrated mermaid? Well....I think disc jockeys are really just frustrated stand up comedians, rock stars are frustrated actors and actors are frustrated directors...etc. SO, if I am a female aquarist I'm really just a frustrated mermaid. (If I could be a mermaid I could look at these beauties out of the box all day long....for free!)

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Frustrated Mermaid

Thank you for being willing to take him. I'm afraid someone beat you to the punch, but I really appreciate it.

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