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CHEAP Picasso, Phantom, Platinum, Snow Onyx


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Hi Nano-Reef! :)



I recently got a large sum of Clownfish from a group order I did here locally, and after taking my pick of the lot for my broodstock, I'll be selling the rest. I got a good price on the bundle that I got from a guy in San Antonio. Get in on it while ya' can! I will have to take clear shots tomorrow, but this is what I'll have.

2 Phantoms - $120/ea
2 Picasso - $100/ea
2 Platinums - $110/ea (they are BIG)
+ Shipping costs

They are all large, size wise. The Phantoms are at LEAST 1.75", some seem a big larger. There are definite females. The Picasso are 1.75" and the Platinums are close to 2.25"+. They are considered XL.


Also, I have 2 of these Snow Onyx pairs, and will be keeping the other and selling this one. They are gorgeous fish! The female is over 3.25", and the male is around 2.25". They have exhibited prespawning behavior, such as cleaning their clay pot. You can see the large fluorescent blue coloring the female has in the video.

Asking $320 SHIPPED OBO



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  • 2 weeks later...

Purchased 4 clowns and greatly regretted doing so. I felt these were being marketed as broodstock and these are far from it. Of the 4 fish I bought two of them had defects bad enough that they should have been culled. These fish should not have been sold at all let alone for breeding purposes. Nothing personal against the seller but these fish were a big disappointment. Be sure to ask for HIGH RES pics if you are looking to buy anything.

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has feedback on another forum and I have his cell number....I guess it still was not enough though. I guess that is what happens when you trust people in this world.

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No, he has not. One of the fish has since died and another is on the way out, my water is perfect....they just refuse to eat. At this point I cant even ship the fish back to him as it is likely none of them would make the trip. By far the worst online purchase I have ever made. A bunch of other fish are living in the same water with no issues and all the ones from him are doing terrible....coincidence?

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Wow, that truly sucks man. It would be nice to see some sort of explanation, but that prob wont happen, if it hasn't yet.

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as i said before they are also listed on another forum where he as lot more feedback. His only explanation was they he saw no defects in the fish and they looked great to him. So A) he doesn't know good and bad traits and led me to believe he knew what he was talking about. or B) he was just trying to unload junk fish purposely.

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Jacob, lets be clear about a couple of things. I have been in contact with you multiple times since the fish arrived. I really do not appreciate you claiming that I have done some sort of terrible misdeed to you and have ignored your texts. I have expressed to you NUMEROUS times that I would like to send you more fish, at my expense in a few weeks time. Perhaps this was overlooked or misread? After reading these comments, I am a lot less inclined to do so at this point.


To say that the pictures were not clear enough is absolutely false. Not only did I send you multiple videos and pictures of each fish before they were sent to you, I posted these pictures on the forums. You first stated that one of the fish had a flat spot behind the head, and that the Platinums had gill flares. Now you say that both of the Phantoms were defected in some sort of way, when originally it was one? While, I have admitted I see the problem in the Phantom's head (upon looking closely at the pictures), again, I offered to right this with you. But now, you say both of them had defects? You hadn't made me aware of this previously. You also claimed that more than one of the Phantom's had died, but here you say that only one has died? I'm a tad confused. You keep saying "they" have died, but only one has died to my knowledge? I have never heard much on the Platinums and how they're doing... just the Phantoms.


The other buyers who purchased other fish from me have been nothing but pleased with their purchase. I am deeply sorry our transaction was less than favorable on both ends. I am sorry to hear that one(?) has died, but they have been in your care for, what is approaching on 2 weeks time.


The bottom line is, I have offered to right the situation with you. As with any buyer, I am always ready to assist and make things right when the circumstances turn for the worst.


Here are a few the photos that were posted online and sent to your phone:




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No reason for a MOD to lock a discussion.



Sigh.....This is one of the problems with people....It would be nice if a mod locked this topic before it turns into WW3.....


A forum is for discussions that is exactly what this is. Both parties are now here and we can discuss it. I have no hard feelings towards the seller. TBH most of my frustration as at the person who bred these fish. If there is a breeder releasing fish with defects such as the ones I have show, then I feel it is best to share that with people here. No reason for all of us to support a breeder who does not practice proper culling procedures. I have given this time to discuss the quality of these fish over with other members on here in my aquaculture thread. Immediately I was unhappy with the fish but am very new to the concepts of breeding. I wanted to get more experienced opinions before I made an issue over something I was wrong about.


I do not think either he or I would tell you that either of us have been nasty to the other. The text about replacing them was either misread or mistyped...either way it doesn't matter we were not on the same page. I would have no reason to not accept that offer, but I never thought that was an offer on the table. To clarify both of the phantoms are now dead neither of them would ever eat anything. I have Numerous other fish and have no health issues with any other than these two.

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