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Cultivated Reef

new fish for a 3g


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3 gallon??

I'd say no fish.... Your clown will be scrunched for space as it is... and it's going to get bigger....

3 gallons of watter is really not a large enough volume to bioloically support 2 fish.

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I hope this is a joke. 3 gallons is too small for anything except possibly a clown goby or neon goby and only 1 at that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have seen little gobys and such do fine in small tanks like yours , and they are healthy and active. but all the people that heve this tanks overfilter keep perfect water parameters and do waterchanges 2 times a week. the gobies that do go in to the tank are always less then an inch because i do agree with the rset of the members that once they get bigger then that it seems unfair to the fish and they usually do not stay healthy when in such a small tank. i dont meen to bite i just meen to help



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  • 2 weeks later...

I vote no fish for the 3. A shrimp can be quite active and aesthetically 'fill in the void' of a moving creature in your tank.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not to be rude but if you cant spell you cant look after a fish. You didn't even spell Canada right, if it is meant to be Canada. Any way I, even though my tank is 9G and I am getting 1 clown for it must say that is absolutely WAY TOO small for a fish! Any saltwater fish at that. Clowns must be in at least an 7G and even then thats the cut-off point.

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I'd say any varient of a neon goby (blue, yellow hybrid, goldlined) would be ok, as well as any varient of the clown goby (citron, green, etc.). The high fin goby would also make a good candidate.

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Yeah, these people are just being honest, I did have a 2.5 and wanted to keep a firefish. So I upgraded to a 7gal. This hobby tank money, time, space and time, and money. Good luck picking out a new tank to your liking. Get atleast a 7 gal bro. The fish and you well be much happier.

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clowns are pugnacious little swimmers, i have to agree, bigger tank for them. as for nemo for ever.....we as in us reefers, spell alot of crap wrong due to fast indirect typing. It has nothing to do with intelligence. If you still have to bag on others for brain power, go start a web site for meaningless knowledge and let us know how it goes...in fact, don't bother, we don't care! As for fish and coral this is OUR website!

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I've had an LFS suggest that I put a goby/shrimp pair in a 1.6, and if that would work in my tank (and he is very knowledgable/trustworthy, but the way), then I'm sure a second fish (goby/small fish) would work in yours as long as your clown is very small and you have very good filtration.

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Again I say, a springer's dottyback is perfect for a small tank.

Very active and max size is 1.6 inches full grown. Perfect in 3 gals.

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I have a yellow clown goby in my 3 gallon and he seems to do real well. He does swim too much, just sits around. He works great.

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