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Caulerpa turned white, water turned green?


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I left for work this morning and the tank looked fine, then 10 minutes later my gf called me saying my tank turned green. She said some of the caulerpa was white. It got a little cold last night so I thought I killed some of it but she says the corals and fish look fine. She sent me a pic and and only some caulerpa connected to the same root turned green. Other caulerpa right next to them are still a deep green. I read someone saying that they go sexual? Anyone know anything about this?

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It's going sexual, and a good reason never to use Caulerpa. Basically it dies, all at once, and releases millions of spores to make new plants, polluting your tank and possibly killing everything.


A vacation and some water changes are in order. Sorry.



Other caulerpa right next to them are still a deep green.


You really will need to look at it to make sure. It's possible it's just dieoff of one plant but I've never experienced it, just read the horror stories.

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I have a different slant on going sexual. It gave you notice. I can assure you that before it was all white, there were advance signs. If you want to do natural reefkeeping you need to learn to read the signs. If you do not want to read sign, then get a big protein skimmer and a bare bottom tank.


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I have a different slant on going sexual. It gave you notice. I can assure you that before it was all white, there were advance signs. If you want to do natural reefkeeping you need to learn to read the signs. If you do not want to read sign, then get a big protein skimmer and a bare bottom tank. Patrick


I would definitely like to know more about this. What are the signs? I plan to have several species of macro in my display fuge including caulerpa.



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Yeah I had no idea they did this, don't think the guys at my lfs did either. Guess ill try something else to help with nitrates.


I've had planted freshwater tanks in the past and just assumed these similar in care.

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When green macro grows fast, the coloration on the growing tips is initially translucent then takes on the color of the macro. If the coloration on the tips is white, beware. At most, you have 48 hours to as little as a few hours.In my case, every macro went sexual at the same time. Yes,the water was cloudy for a day, but nothing more. No skimmers, no partial water change. Always use activated carbon for chemical filtration.


I would suggest that you not crowd different species together in a small volumn. For many different reasons you would simplify your maintenance with mono species. What prevents you from putting macro in your display?


PS. I retread your post and realized that you said "display refugium". My 135G macro lagoon fits that description. With flame scallops, sea apples, and NPS, I find it much more beautiful than the most colorful SPS, but that's just me. Enjoy the addiction.

La bonne temps roulee,

Patrick Castille

Mgr, AquacultureRanch, LLC


I will shadow this forum and answer what I know. If you want a direct audience with me, then go to my sponsor sub forum and start a thread with your specific question?

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Well, I was afraid id come home to a green graveyard :(.. but looks like i dodged a bullet :).

They did go sexual and you right i do remember seeing white tips on the caulerpa. Didnt think much of it because ive only had it in my tank for a few days and thought it was just some die off.However my water doesnt look green anymore and my fish and corals all seem to be doing just find. I guess my filtration caught most of it.

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FWIW, I would get calpulera if it was legal in California. Just make sure it doesn't go sexual, and if it does, keep some water on hand for an emergency water change.

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