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Lighting for a ten gallon


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I am about to set up a ten gallon and wondered what you would suggest for lighting. I'm not that great at wiring things. Could you recommend a good set that is made to light a 10 gallon with corals and anemones?

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I have a 96 watt powerquad over my 10. Its great for me, and as long as you don't use a glass tip the temp will only reach 82 with an ac on in the house. All my corals are growing and have more than enough light.

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CustomSeaLife has a 20" with 2x40 watts plus a moonlight. I'm not sure what they are called now, since CSL is out of business. I'm starting up a 10g after finding a nice little tank for 20 bucks (bad habit to buy impulsively). The nice thing about the CSL one is that it has separate power cords so u can simulate dawn/dusk. Hope that helped!

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