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Lawn Mower Blenny Dying


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Hi All,


It is unfortunate that I have to post this but I would just like some confirmation as to why my Lawn Mower is dying.


Right now his body is almost completely white, he has severe trouble balancing his body every 5 minutes (contorting it and laying on his side), eyes have lost their color, he is very unresponsive to his surroundings. In my opinion I'm giving him about 20-24 hours. And at this point I don't believe a QT will help.


I personally believe he has come to this because of malnutrition. He never ate regular fish food and relied heavily on the glass algae. I was so obsessed with my tank being spotless on the sides that I would perform routine intensive algae glass scrubs daily. All the other fish and inhabitants are doing great (knock knock knock), including a bi-color blenny who essentially eats the same food as clowns.


Here's the poor guy about 5 min ago 2/17/2013:



I just looked back at my tank now and he is out of sight. I don't want him in a cave for the final hours.


Anyways, if anyone has any thoughts on why you might believe was the cause of this please share.




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Well, if you take a fish that, in the wild, relies solely on algaes, and remove its food source without training it to take prepared foods, unfortunately this is what happens. :(

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Just located him behind the LR at the back. Sadly, it looks like these will be his last couple of hours. :(


It feels inhumane for me to take him out now, so I will wait an hour or two and monitor his gills.

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Agree his fins are wrecked... Looks like something bullied him to death. I have an algae blenny in a 20 gallon and have yet to see him eat any food I feed. He only eats algae off rocks and the glass. Poor little guy. Sad to say looks like he's beyond coming back.

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