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Cultivated Reef

10 Gal., 1 month and goin strong.


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well guys this is my 10 gallon. Been havin it for a month now.


Heres the specs:

25 lb. live rock

20 lb. live sand

3 hermitcrabs (2 red footed and one hitchhicker,dunno what kind it is.)

2 Snails

1 pepperment shrimp

1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp

Unforunatly 1 rock crab (eats snails, clams, and corals!!! got to get that peace of &*%# out of there.)

multiple types of zoos

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excellent. just add some more bright corals to spice it up :) p.s. i love that damsel. i had one when i started my tank! had to donate him once i wanted ocellaris clowns. 10gal seems a bit small for all the "cool" fish. haha

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Mandarins eat small creatures that live and reproduce at a rate that is determined by the amount of live rock.... usually thirty pounds of ESTABLISHED live rock per mandarin will do.

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Thanks, but actually the Damsle has a nicer percinality, I have a Mandrain in there w/ him and they swimm together lol, if you read about them at liveaquaria.com, they prefer peaceful tank mates.

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Keep reading about Damsels from someone other than a site trying to sell them...

Mine was peaceful for approx. 8 months. Then it started going after any and every fish in my tank - including my Tang! (no, not my nano tank) Eventually had to tear the whole tank down to catch it.

Maybe you'll have better luck than I did!

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Do some research on Mandarins as well. Unless yours is fortunate to accept frozen foods, he probably won't last more than a few months. If he starts to get really skinny, consider finding him a larger home (local reefers) or take him back to the LFS>


I now see that you're in Louisiana? Where abouts? There's a Baton Rouge Reef Club on that meets monthly. We're teh BRReefClub on Yahoo Groups. Check us out. People from all over the state are on the board.

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I live in the Lake Charles area, I don't think that I would be able to go to Baton Rouge once a month lol sry, but if I was in that area I definantly would join in :)

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Well I would recommend joining the forum anyway. There are a few folks in Lake Chuck, as well as some more in the area IIRC. It's not just about meetings - we also post items for sale, livestock for sale, deals we find, etc. etc. all across the state.

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