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Innovative Marine Aquariums

FT: Fungia Plate, protopalythoa, red mushroom, clove polyps, nassarius - SC will ship


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I'm going high flow SPS with barebottom, so none of these corals will have a place in my tank (so sad...). They need to be shipped by Wednesday, if not, off to the LFS and certain doom.


I'd like to trade these as a package, but if there's something you really want, PM me and we can work something out. I'll include ~15 nassarius snails (If I can find them all) as well, since I won't have a sand bed.


I'm not really interested in any livestock/corals right now, so if you have any drygoods to offer PM me.



Protopalythoa (red mushroom in right corner of pic - about three times larger now)





Clove Polyps (two different pieces on live rock - small green mushroom as well)





Short Tentacle Plate Coral



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