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the tank


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matt the fiddler

that, i see you have a sump set up. which is good and will help- but if you can get more rock in, it can serve to help stabilize you tank in the future.... when you get more fish and critters..



any cleanup crew? i don't see any..



yea- MGX is right having fish in [if this is a younger than 2 month old tank] can be fatal to them.. especially that angel ...


no chance you have any friends who could keep the fish till you tank gets settled a little more? if you do just make sure they don't have clownfish- looks like you might have a female in there....

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this is not a sump :P this is just a 10 gallon fishtank,i dont have any angels in there, this is scopas tang. all of fishes are-1 tomato clown,2 percula,1scopas tang 2 green/blue reef chromis :) and i want to buy one little volitans lionfish :) i am not good in english so sorry mates ;)im thinking of changing that little tank into a sump, how should i do that ??

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this is not a sump :P this is just a 10 gallon fishtank,i dont have any angels in there, this is scopas tang. all of fishes are-1 tomato clown,2 percula,1scopas tang 2 green/blue reef chromis :) and i want to buy one little volitans lionfish :) i am not good in english so sorry mates ;)im thinking of changing that little tank into a sump, how should i do that ??and the clean up crew is 2 hermits :P im going to buy cleaner shrimp soon.

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matt the fiddler

glanced though angel. my bad..



drill your top tank.. pump in bottom going up.


cleaner shrimp is not clean-up crew.. lol a few snails will help your algae problem that you will have in a month if you only have 2 hermits.. remember roughly 1-2 snails or hermits/ gallon [liek the inacuracy of watts per gallon- but a good start.



careful of the lion fish- there is a good chance it will eat your clowns...


so my main advice is to research fish before you buy.. look at gallon requirments and what they get along with.


good link for you, and not just because my uncle owns that place.. lol


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