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Cultivated Reef

Oceanic 90 gallon sps dominate tank


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Okay finally got back into the reef tanks, been a couple years since my last tank and about 5 years since iv been active on here. Tanks been up and running with fully cured live rock for 4 weeks, everything is looking great! Cant wait to get it more stocked up



-90 gallon oceanic reef ready tank

-30 gallon oceanic sump

-7" filter sock assembly

-Reef Octopus 6 pin wheel skimmer

-800 gph return pump-

2 750 gph hydor koralia powerheads

-1 1050 gph hydor koralia powerhead

-48" led fixture with 48 3w 80par leds fully programmableLivestock

-90-100 lbs of cured live rock

-40 lbs of figi pink sand-refugium coming soon



-4" Vlamingi tang

-3"-3.5" tomini tang

-2"-2.5" yellow coris wrasse



-Purple Hammer

-War coral

-2 different types of Cyphastrea

-Pink Challice

-Candy Cane coral

-Green staghorn

-Pink Fussy acro

-random purple acro

-Speciosa Acro

-Neon green acro

-Green montipora cap

-Miami Orchid Montipora



-Rose Anemone (getting better, went down hill before i got it)

-10 assorted hermits

-2 med-lg turbo snails

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The rock in the tank has been in a huge sump for the last several years so I didn't have but a very small ammonia spike for a couple days then that was all. And yes I know he has a much larger tank waiting once he gets to big. Will try and get pics up tonight after work, hopefully it will let me

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