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Cheap aluminum fixtures! 70 watt halide-able

Von digity

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Von digity

Anyone who is interested in doing the 70/150 watt MH retro to an existing fixture they plan on purchasing may want to check this out.





20" (10 gal) aluminum flourescent fixture =


BAM! 26 bucks.


The best part is that they have legs too!


BAM! another 4 bucks!


That sure as hell beats buying an more expensive canopy just to rip everything out of it.'


Thanks to Halmotors, his thread about his 30" reptile combo light got me looking around at reptilian products. Most reptile light fixtures are aluminum.


HTH anyone interested in doing a diy halide.:)



look theres a little slit to fit your glass screen




and the legs lock in and slide up all the way in these units making them universal!

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Von digity

"Fluker Repta-Hoods feature a durable black aluminum shell, with built-in reflector for efficient light distribution."-from the website


Yeah, it's metal. The encaps might be plastic though. You'd probly want to cut a whole in the endcap or in the back of it and attach a fan or two there. The included reflector may or may not have to be scrapped. I'm not sure how the whole schematics of the thing are.


I'm buying one first thing next month.

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Originally posted by Von digity

Are Fluker's POS?


Anyone else know of any cheap fixtures?


Not that I know of. My son has a lot of reptiles and we have one of those fixtures. I just knew what brand it was by the image.

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Complete fixtures? For diy, ahsupply makes VERY resonably priced canopys (like $25 for a 24" wood canopy) which you could mod and make a pendant out of (thats what I'm doing, either with a 175 watt or 250 watt (se) and one actinic standard strip light)



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Von digity
Originally posted by Samc

Complete fixtures? For diy, ahsupply makes VERY resonably priced canopys (like $25 for a 24" wood canopy) which you could mod and make a pendant out of (thats what I'm doing, either with a 175 watt or 250 watt (se) and one actinic standard strip light)




Yeah, well for a $25 wood canopy, you'd still have to figure out a way to get it mounted off the tank, which is a hassle.

You can get these things with legs. So for 30 bucks your set with a canopy that all you need to go is gut. Plus they seem wide enough to fit 1 70 watt halide and 1 pc


I know that the "stock" light strip type canopy isn't everyone's cup of tea, I'm just refering back to all those posts about people doing 70/150 watt DE MH retro's in their stock CSL, or whatever type light fixtures.




I'm pretty sure you could fit a pane of glass in there, it looks like there is a slit that runs along the bottom so you could place a splash shield.


Thanks Dave, do you know if there is a slit on the bottom of the fixuture to house a splash shield?

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