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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Anyone want some anthelia or Nassarius snails?


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I've got about 10 extra Nass and a little bit of anthelia that I don't need. Anyone want them?


I'm in Milpitas, and go to school at SJSU, so we could meet somewhere...If you want to give me something, then great! Or, if you're just starting out, don't worry about it. :)


No shipping!

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They're not my pics, I did a search in the gallery.


If you want via aqua, I've seen them at Mermaid aquarium in fremont or Dragon aquarium in Milpitas (on Main St).

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hey pokgirl,


since we're local, wanna gimme some anthelia next time you get some? We can trade for stuff. LMK



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I'd be interested in the snails but I'm not local, I do know how to ship them priority and would pay expenses...dwolls@cox-internet.com

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pokgirl, do you still have the snails? Do they eat algae? How many do you have? I have a major algae outbreak and I NEED a major cleanup crew! Thanks!

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best snails for algae is probably cerith snails and on top of that maybe get a lettus nudibranch and somehermits. nassarius are for eating detritus and left over food that settles to the ground.

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Victa + Nip,


I'd be up to trade sometime, but I'm going to be really busy for the next few months - I've got finals this next week, and I need to study for the dental admissions test which I'll be taking in July.


I still have the 10 snails, but no shipping!

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Hey...I go to SJSU too. I live 2 blocks from campus. The 10 snails would be cool, but I already have 2 scarelet hermits and a cleaner shrimp taking care of the uneaten food.

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