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Top Shelf Aquatics

Best Subtrate All Around. What Is It?


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What is your substrate of choice? color, size, compound...et cetera.


I just switched to tropic eden reef flakes.


Best sand ever if you like uniform grain size. Its white, clean, and cloud free.

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Go bare bottom!

HAHA not in a 50 gallon! My 20 gallon is bare but I feel that a large tank just needs some covering for the bottom pane of glass.



My old 10 gallon had crushed shells that was an orange or tan color.

My 20 gallon had beach sand then went barebottom.

My 50 gallon is a work in progress. ;)

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I use half natures ocean marine sand, half petco store brand sand. I have it (but black) in my freshwater too I love the mix of consistency and the way it looks it's the closest I could come to what I've seen on the reefs I've been on in the Caribbean.


I'm curious about the advantages of going barebottom though I'm gonna have to research how that plays out.

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I haven't tried many (only one actually) but I'm using Natures Ocean Samoa Pink in my nano and I will be using it again in my 70 gallon I'm setting up. Overall it's a white sand with little pink flecks that I really like. I felt if I hand pure white sand it would look dirty really quickly like if you have a cream carpet.

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My upcomming tank will contain the following: Tropic Eden Miniflakes (75%) mixed with Caribsea Seaflor Specialgrade reef sand (25%). My last tank was 100% Seaflor specialgrade, and I felt the grain size a little too "chunky", although still nice. I did however, like how stable the sand was for my shrimps who burrowed and created tunnels, as well as prevented the sand from compacting too much. I feel the sand needs to "breath" somewhat. (allow for the buildup of gases as different depths, and release gas naturally) versus a fine Oolite sand which really packs down bricklike.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love what i have i have a crushed coral lower layer and i have a live sand top base its a normal grain size but the mix allows diggers like jaw fish to be happy.

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