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Java moss mats but with marine algae?


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So, back in the day we used to take Java, christmas tree, or other various moss for fresh water tanks and sandwich them between 2 pieces of mesh.. they would then grow in and make a carpet of moss..


We would use these for tieing to driftwood to get it to take hold and cover the wood.. I used them as backgrounds, to cover pipes from filters and stuff like that.. It made the tank look very natural..


So, I was thinking.. would this application work in salt tanks with some of the "encrusting" type algae.. Stuff like Blue ochtodes or maidens hair, even chaeto although not sure I would like that look of a green afro growing on the back of my tank wall.. lol


Anyone thought about this, or done it? I didn't see any topics covering it, but my nano-fu is weak tonight.

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Lots of options.. I'm not sure I am ready to try it out, but might be an interesting experiment down the road. I have my hands full with breeding salt water mollies and feeding them to my mandarin. lol

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Lots of options.. I'm not sure I am ready to try it out, but might be an interesting experiment down the road. I have my hands full with breeding salt water mollies and feeding them to my mandarin. lol



Mollies come out way bigger than a mandarin's mouth, plus one would never be able to catch them.

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Mollies come out way bigger than a mandarin's mouth, plus one would never be able to catch them.


Oh he catches em.. and eats them as well. He's full grown so manages to take down the day old ones.. the rest get dumped into the turtle tank and shockingly usually make the transition to fresh.. The turtles don't really eat them unfortunately.. They might but between about 30 platties, 20 swordtails and 10 mollies that grew from babies they just barely keep the population in check.. I also cull the less attractive ones (to me) and give em away to locals and trade them to a store for credit.


It's not really a way to sustain him, but it's a treat he seems to enjoy.

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Oh he catches em.. and eats them as well. He's full grown so manages to take down the day old ones.. the rest get dumped into the turtle tank and shockingly usually make the transition to fresh.. The turtles don't really eat them unfortunately.. They might but between about 30 platties, 20 swordtails and 10 mollies that grew from babies they just barely keep the population in check.. I also cull the less attractive ones (to me) and give em away to locals and trade them to a store for credit.


It's not really a way to sustain him, but it's a treat he seems to enjoy.


I have my mandarin trained to eat frozen bloodworms and live blackworms which I feed him in a "mandarin diner" I usually drop 4-5 in and what he doesn't eat the other fish get when they swim out of the box or I dump them. I'll have to take a video one day so you can check it out.. pretty cool.

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I've done it with blue ochtodes. I started a bunch of small colonies in my frag tank, on eggcrate. The small colonies eventually completely grew into each other so that I could slice up the eggcrate into desirable shapes and sizes and put them in a macro display. It worked really well and I'm sure you would have no problem doing something similar with mesh.

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+1 on the ochtode mat. They attach really well to rock and grow well also. They can easily become a little weed if given the right conditions.

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