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11 months. woot.


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How many gallons is your tank, what kinda lighting are you using? My tank is 11 months old and i have this black algae growing on my live rock here and there...I don't have and macro algae yet

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Thanks for the compliments :)

Its a 15 tall

150 watt (was 10K ushio) 20K xde

15 gallon refugium

new remora skimmer

macro algae refugium

kalk topoff (and ungodly amounts of baking soda and CaCl2)


EtoH_is_good - take a REAL close look at the mag float in the top left ;)

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Beautiful, I love that type of tank, I like its deepness, and clarity with the Ushio 10k, very colorful choice beautiful Percs. I know whatcha mean my water topofff's are nuts with 96 watts of pc less then an inch from my water's surface in my nano. I dose Iodine because I have nothing but softies which use it up rapidly (yes I test for it) I want a metal halide so badly, I want shimmer....smiles

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i think you're dosing too much kalk. your coralline growth is out of control. the coralline looks like magfloats it's so thick. :P


hey, you should get the new baby magfloat. it's sooo cute!


you can have a gazillion of them (like flatworms) and put zoos on those. :D

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(didn't this tank... DIE recently?)


i need to put more tiger bone in my top off...


good work k!

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Ah this is what they meant when they said nano-reef (applause),

Now people cant have an excuse for their ugly tanks, they just need to look at yours congrats man congrats. Oh by the way hows the stand holding up, did you try the JB weld stuff I told you about?

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Originally posted by Korbin

EtoH_is_good - take a REAL close look at the mag float in the top left ;)


Ahh... nice... very nice

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Hehe, no it didn't die. But it keeps coming close. I keep overdosing stuff and my parameters are constantly veering out of control (alk and calcium). I'm on the verge of converting it all to softies and a couple LPS/SPS.


Actually, right now I'm using the 20K Xde. Thats whats in the pics. I was previously using the 10K. I just couldnt stand the yellow look of the 10K and the 20K is perfect. Nice and blue.


Nope, I never tried the JB weld. :o I've been lazy about that. And my gf always leans on the table and it freaks me out! I'll have to look into modding it soon.


And yup. Them thar's SPS glued to those mag floats. I'll try and get some pics of those soon.

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Well, that settles it then. Out with the Coralife 96, and in with the MH's. DAMMIT!!! I guess the 96 will make for some nice fuge lighting! And just when I thought the spending was leveling off.


So, how do you keep the temp down?

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Blow a fan on the light from across the room. (Vornado - its the best.)

You'll like MH soooo much better. Make sure to create some surface disruption so you get the shimmer.

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Wow with 3 mag floats you can scrub both sides of the tank with both your hands and hold the 3rd in your mouth! With every halide I see it makes me want to squeeze in a 20k 70 watt so bad! Have you noticed any decrease in growth with the 20k instead of the 10k?

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Brahm - I know I know. I just couldnt wait. And to tell you the truth, I've been thinking about aborting the SPS mission and going for softies from here on out. Getting tired of screwing up dosing and things like that.


B16A2NR - The mag floats have corals grown onto them. Not just for scraping algae anymore :). To tell you the truth I haven't noticed a decrease in growth. I put the 20K lower this time so its a bit brighter. We'll see how things turn out. I'm anxious to see if my green cap gets any greener and if my blue-polyp digi keeps its color.

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