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Coral Vue Hydros

WTF? blue tang buddying up with mandarin?


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i've heard that blue tangs will "buddy up" with another fish, but this is ridiculous, the tang is always hanging around the mandarin, constantly. No they are not fighting, ive seen tangs fight and this is not it, they litterally hang out. Has anyone else experienced this before?

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do you need pics to believe me, or is just no one ever heard of this? I asked my lfs if they had ever seen it, and they just looked at me like i was trying to sell them ocean front property in arizona.

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Weird freindships occur in tanks. I had a snapping turtle that would make all the silver feeder fish his freinds. He developed a little pack of them before I realized what was going on.


I've also had a 5-6 inch cichlid, one of the more aggresive mawalian types, adopt a group of 15 or so fry of a different kind.

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Originally posted by xcajx

awesome mandarin!


thanks, he eats like a hog, best part is, is that he eats frozen daphnia for sure, as i have watched him eat it, and supposedly frozen mysis (according to the pet store), but i have yet to see that as the tang or firefish will grab it before he decides to take it.

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