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how bad are tangs?


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I have a 20g and have decided to do a nano. however, my sister bought me a yellow tang for my birthday as a suprise. Can I still set up a nano with a medium sized yellow tang? Thanks,


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Having just visited the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans today, I can't say that I will ever own a tang. Watching adults swim in a massive (50k+ gallons?) display area completely killed my desire to ever contain one of these fish in a tiny glass box.



Some species have very small territorial ranges - these are the ones I'm going to try to stick to. JMO.

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Take yer sis down with you and have her pick you anew fish. Just nudge her in the right direction. that way she will feel she has contributed more than just cash.


Call me Dr Phil,



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I have a small yellow tang in my 20H & I love him. Because of the rockwork that I have he is very happy & I believe that having to navigate thru the cracks & holes of the rocks actually makes the space seem larger for him. Of course, by the time & if he should grow & feel closed in I shall have a larger tank for him.


For those of you "Tang Police" I have heard of, I have had much larger tanks & have never been able to successfully keep a Yellow tang. I've kept Koles, Powder Browns, Blonde Nasos, etc. but never the Yellows & he is doing better than any other fish I've ever owned, even in a large FOWLR set up.

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Well, not to be excessively critical, but I have the feeling that having a Yellow Tang in a 20H is only going to help you continue your pattern of never being able to keep yellow tangs.


Go to a large, public aquarium. Look at adult tangs. Watch them swim. Sure, when he's a juvenile, he may seem to like swimming in the rockwork. But in all seriousness, this is an open-water fish.


Just my two cents.


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I have kept small tangs in and out of tanks under 40 gallons for years, for algae control and have never had one die. The tang police mentality is the same other people have about keeping nano reefs that it is not good and they will all die because of limited amount of water they are kept in. But this is never backed up by anything other than opinion.Has anyone ever put on a wet suit to followed a tang around and measure this always spouted 2 miles of swimming a day. Keeping any fish in a tank that is to small is bad, but so is using damsels to cycle tanks and why is no one ever commming to their rescue. Lets see the proof that a tang cant be kept in a smaller tank, and not be so small minded. That is just my opinion and I know people will be pissed off but that is why I live in america freedom of speech.

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My yellow has been living happily in my 30 high for almost a year now.He is one of the coolest fish i have ever owned. An invaluable

housekeeper . I say if you want a tang in your nano, go for it.

Because only you can determine wether or not you will be successful or not. We all know what opinions are like.

peace out.

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