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Having to start over after my nephew poured drano into my tank:*( . Happened 2 days ago:*( . So here is my new endeavor.

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Originally posted by Noonan

OMG! That must suck so much.  


Looks good though.. lol


Yes it does suck!!! Just more $ to spend :(

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Originally posted by cpreefguy

Was your tank cloged that bad? Looks good, what are your specs?


LOL...... Thanks


10 gallon

AC 150 (nothing in it but ChemiPure)

Mini Jet 606

Ebo Jager 50 Watt

10 lbs. live sand

11 lbs. live rock

CSL 2 x 40 watt (1 - 10000k, 1 - Ultra Acitinic) w/moonlight

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Originally posted by Chyendra

That really stinks.... but why did the kid have drano in the first place?


good luck starting over


Well it just so happens that I had a clog in our bathroom sink and the Drano was sitting on the counter. My sister stopped over and my nephew ran back to look at the tank like he always does and I forgot about the Drano being on the counter. Well about 2 hours later he said "I put some water in the aquarium just like you do." Well he just seen a container and thought it was water. X)

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my little cousin once tried to throw a bocce ball through my 55g gallon cichlid tank


I really did tackle him


stupid little kids

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Live and learn I guess. I guarantee he will NEVER have an unsupervised visit to the tank again.


LMAO mineralrock...I can only imagine your heart pounding while that was happening.

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That would suck sooo bad... I wonder what awful things will happen when my 21 month old nephew comes to visit for a couple weeks. He won't have access to chemicals but, but I can imagine him trying to throw in anything and everything. I could even see him trying to get in the thing... he loves water. Its gonna be fun ;)


Goodluck getting everything going again!

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The stupid kid didn't drink the Drano, then you'd be in serious ####, with your sister and your conscious. Good Luck your new tank looks good.

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Tell me if I'm wrong, I'm still learning to identify things, but it looks like maybe a few zoos came as hitchers on my live rock. Hope they survive my cycle.

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I was totally shocked when I seen them. Nice chocolate color with the green centers. After closer inspection I found about 10 of them. Too small for my camera to focus in on though.

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Thanks AReeferIsExpensive.... I wasn't too happy with the aquascaping at first but I know I can fill in the gaps down the road with whatever frags I add.

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Last night I FREAKED seen two "bugs" on the live rock but they weren't moving. Because of the website I was able to see that they were "fish lice". Promptly sucked them out, I thought they were dead until I picked one up and it started to SLOWLY move. Just want to thank everyone here for all of the information that you all post.

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